Page 45 of Jaylen

Misha laughed as she went out the front door to where she’d parked earlier. She put the gym address into the GPS beforepulling out of the parking lot. Serenity wasn’t a huge town, but she still didn’t know it well enough to go to a new place without the aid of directions.

The gym was in a large building not far from the store they’d shopped at a few times already, and it had its own parking lot. There were only a handful of cars there, so she was able to find a spot close to the door. Since the entire front of the building was glass, she could see a few people inside, including Jay.

Grabbing her bag, she went to the door and pulled it open. She’d never been in a gym like this before. In high school and college, she’d worked out in the schools’ gyms. And there had been no working out during her residency or after her return to Atlanta. Life had been too busy for that.

Misha came to a stop inside the doors, glancing around. There was a long counter to one side, but there was no one behind it.

“Hey, Misha.” Jay approached her, attired in a pair of long, loose basketball shorts and a tank top. “Glad you could make it.”

“I said I’d be here.”

Jay grinned. “So you did.”

“I might not come back again if I can’t walk tomorrow, but I’m here now.”

“No worries,” he said. “I’m not planning to overwork you tonight.”

“That’s good.”

“If you need the changing room, it’s right through there.” Jay pointed to an arched doorway.

“Okay. I’ll be right back.”

The room was bright and clean, with showers and a row of lockers on opposite sides. She took off her boots, then pulled off her jeans. Since she wasn’t thrilled about the tight-fitting workout clothes, she left the oversize T-shirt on. It hung to the top of her thighs, so it hid most of the tightness that made her uncomfortable.

Sitting on a bench, she put on her runners and tied them tightly. She shoved her stuff into one of the lockers, then locked it and removed the key.

After smoothing her hair back into a scrunchie, she left the changing room. The idea of sweating wasn’t exactly appealing, but she’d committed to it. At least for that night.

Jay was talking with a young woman with dark blonde hair when Misha walked out. She hesitated a moment before heading in their direction. He glanced over as she approached and gave her a smile.

“Ready to get to work?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“First time here?” the woman asked, a curious look on her face.


“This is Will’s sister, Reese,” Jay said, gesturing to the woman. “Reese, this is Misha.”

“The new doctor. Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” Misha said as she shook the hand Reese held out.

“Will says you’re nice, so you must be. He didn’t care a whole lot for Nora, and it turned out that he was right about her.”

“Oh.” Misha glanced at Jay before looking back at Reese. “Uh… I think Will is nice too.”

“Are you on the market?” Reese asked, jutting her hip out as she crossed her arms.

“On the market?” Misha wasn’t entirely sure how to respond to the woman.

“Yep. Dating? Single?”

“Reese,” Jay said, a tone of warning in his voice.

“What? If she’s nice and she’s single, maybe she and Will can date.”