Page 36 of Jaylen

“All I want is for this clinic to continue to be able to offer all the services we’ve been able to up to this point. Financial irresponsibility is the quickest way to put the clinic in jeopardy.”

As she came to understand Jay’s reasoning, Misha gained more respect for the man. He might not have a medical degree, but Jay had an equally important role in the clinic. They were all necessary to keep the clinic running and offering its services in Serenity to the rich, the poor, and everyone in between.

“Are there others in the family who are hoping to join the clinic some day?” Misha asked. “Like Cole?”

Jay laughed. “No. Definitely not Cole. It would require too much studying for his liking. Skylar has mentioned maybe goinginto nursing like Janessa. The ones away at school now aren’t planning to work in the clinic.”

After realizing how family-centered the clinic was, Misha had wondered if perhaps she was just a placeholder until someone else was ready to take the position of doctor there. She was relieved to know that wasn’t the case.

When she’d first arrived in Serenity, she hadn’t been looking too far into the future. However, in the few weeks she’d been there, her outlook had changed. She wanted to be a part of this clinic and its work in the town. Maybe that desire would change over time, but right then, she hoped that she could play an integral role and help in a way she hadn’t been sure she’d be able to when she’d taken the job.

“Thanks for chatting with me,” Misha said. “I’m still finding my footing, I think, and I appreciate you letting me ask questions.”

Jay smiled at her. “I’m happy to answer them, if I can.”

“I appreciate that. Communication is key.”

“So I’ve heard.”

“You don’t agree?”

“Oh, I agree. However, communication can be challenging for some people, especially on difficult subjects.”

Misha nodded. “Honestly, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to communicate much when I came here. Especially since I was stepping into a role surrounded by people who were related to each other.”

“And you feel differently now?”

“I do. Everyone here has been very good at making me feel comfortable enough to ask questions and make suggestions.”Misha glanced at her phone. “I should probably get going, or Mom will start blowing up my phone to make sure I’m okay.”

“That’s the price we pay when we live with our parents.”

“You don’t, though, do you?” she asked. “I mean, they have a big enough house, I suppose.”

Jay scoffed. “They do have the room, but no, I don’t live with them. Haven’t since I finished college. I lived with them for a bit when I first came home, but then I moved in with Will for a year. After that, I moved into the place I’m in now by myself.”

“Didn’t want to live with your friend anymore?”

“We’re very different people and decided that it would be best for our friendship to not live together.”

“One of you a slob?”

Jay laughed. “Will is a bit that way. It drove me nuts.”

“My mom would never let me be a slob, even if I’d had the tendency. I mean, everything doesn’t have to be perfect. I kind of fall in the middle. Mess doesn’t stress me out, but I also like stuff to be in its place so I can find it.”

“Mom kept after us about cleaning up after ourselves. With so many people in one house, it could very quickly get out of control if we didn’t do our part.”

“So you didn’t miss living with someone after going from a houseful to just you?” Misha knew she needed to go, but she was enjoying these quiet moments with Jay.

As much as she liked the times she’d spent with his family, there was something about the man that made her want to learn all she could about him.

“Nope. Didn’t really miss it at all. Probably because I still spend plenty of time with them.” Jay leaned back in his chair,stretching his arms up before lacing his fingers over his stomach. “Don’t get me wrong. I love them all. I just also like not having them constantly breathing down my neck.”

“Well, I’ll let you get home to your peace and quiet,” Misha said, getting to her feet. “And I’ll go get some slobbery kisses.”

Jay’s smile in response to that was filled with affection. “Layla was the queen of slobbery kisses. Once she learned to kiss, she gave them liberally.”

“Yeah. Ciara’s in that stage right now.”