Page 34 of Jaylen

The consensus was that they’d covered everything, so they ended the meeting. Jay drained the last of his soda, then pitched the can into the recycling bin they kept in the room. Usually, he’d leave the room right away, but that day, he took his time gathering up his stuff, listening as Misha chatted with Aria and Janessa.

“Everything going okay with you?”

Jay looked up to find Gareth standing next to him, concern on his face. “Yeah. Why?”

“You just seem a bit distracted,” he said. “Usually you have more to share, especially when it concerns the budget.”

“I’m not going to argue against something that Mom and Dad have already indicated they’re on board with. This is one of those situations where I’m sure they’d be fine with seeing fewer profits in order to bring it about.”

Gareth nodded. “As long as that’s the only reason you weren’t pushing back against the idea.”

“It’s not a bad idea,” Jay said. “Carrying out Misha’s plan falls more on the rest of you than on me.”

“Doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to have an opinion.”

Jay gave a huff of laughter. “That’s got to be a first. You actuallywantingme to give my opinion.”

Gareth grinned as he shrugged. “Maybe you’ve somehow programmed me to believe that I need to have your opinion before any decision is valid.”

“If he’s managed that, I need to learn how to do it,” Janessa said as she joined them.

“Oh no,” Gareth said. “That’s not a skill he needs to share.”

As they left the room, Jay headed for his office to drop off his notepad and pen and to pick up the rest of the stuff he usually took home at night.

He was seated at his desk, shutting down his computer, when Misha appeared in the doorway.

“Do you have a moment?” she asked.


She settled into the chair across from him, then said, “Are you really okay with the changes I’d like to make with the free clinic?”

“Of course,” he said. “Like I told Gareth, the only reason I’m not more vocal is because I’m the one that’s least affected by these decisions. Plus, Mom and Dad are on board with the idea. That’s really the most important thing.”

“So you’re not involved with the clinic at all?” she asked.

“Not beyond any work that has to be done from an administration standpoint. I don’t really have skills that are useful at the clinic.”

Strangely, Jay got the feeling that his comment disappointed her, and he wanted to give her a bunch of reasons as to why he didn’t have the same passion for the clinic that Gareth and Janessa did.

“Well, I’m sure the clinic couldn’t run without your skills,” she said with a smile. “I just wanted to make sure that you didn’t have concerns.”

He gave her a small smile. “As I’m sure Gareth and Janessa could tell you, if I had any serious concerns, I’d voice them.”

“So you have some not-so-serious concerns?” she asked with a small tilt of her head.

Jay wanted to say that he didn’t, but she was looking at him with such expectation that he felt like he had to be completely honest. “My only real concern is finding someone to work alongside you each Saturday. I don’t want us to settle for just anyone.”

“No. I agree, it needs to be a special person.”

“The nurse who has shared the responsibility with Janessa has been great, but I’m not sure she’ll want to do it every week.”Jay rested his hand on his mouse, though the computer was off. “You’ve fit in so well here that I’d like to see that carried through to the free clinic and whoever we hire to work there with you.”

Misha nodded. “I agree. That’s important.”

She settled back in the chair, making him wonder if she had other things she wanted to talk to him about. Which was fine with him. He had no place to be, though he would have thought that she’d be eager to get home to Ciara and her mom.

“I just want to make sure that none of you think I’m just barging in here and demanding to make changes.” Misha frowned. “I wasn’t sure about coming here, you know. From the time I decided I wanted to be a doctor, I wanted to be more than just another doctor in another clinic. I wanted to be a doctor who makes a difference.”