Page 26 of Jaylen

“Everything look okay?” Jay asked.

Misha turned to face him with a smile. “Everything looks perfect. Thank you so much.”

She’d been planning to hire some moving guys to bring their things from the garage at Charli’s where they’d stored everything after it had arrived from Atlanta, since the townhouse hadn’t been ready yet. However, Jay had insisted that he could find a few guys to help move everything. That morning, she’d rented a large moving van so that they wouldn’t have to make a bunch of trips with a smaller truck.

“You’re very welcome,” Jay said, shoving his hands into the pockets of the faded jeans he wore along with a T-shirt that had a faded school logo on the front. “We’re happy to help. You had less furniture than I thought you would, so it went quickly.”

“And now you’re all coming to Charli’s for pizza, right?”

He nodded as the guys he’d brought with him joined them. “Do we need to swing by and grab the pizza?”

“Do you mind?” she asked.

“It’s no problem at all.” He turned to the other guys. “You guys head on over to Charli’s. I’ll go with Misha to pick up the pizza.”

“What about the truck?” Will asked.

“We’ll take it back after we eat since we’re done sooner than we thought we’d be.”

“Sounds good,” Will said, holding out his fist to bump Jay’s. “Make sure you get what I like.”

Jay frowned at him. “Half a pizza.”

Will sighed. “Fine. Half a pizza.”

Once the guys had followed Will out of the house, Misha turned to Jay. “What does he like on his pizza?”


Misha laughed. “And none of the rest of you like that?”

“Nope.” He narrowed his gaze at her. “Do you?”

“And if I said I did?”

“I might need to reconsider my opinion of you.”

“Well, I’m not sure I could ever abide someone thinking poorly of me overpizza.”

“Am I peer pressuring you into not liking pineapple on your pizza?” Jay asked. “If so, I think I can live with myself.”

Misha grinned in response to that, and it left her in a dazed sort of mood. This day could have been so much more stressful, but Jay had made it infinitely less so. He’d been with them the evening before when they’d walked through the townhouse, and he’d made notes on where they wanted everything placed.

That day, Jay had directed his friends on where to put the furniture and boxes, and if there was any clarification needed,he’d come to her. It had been much easier for her than if she’d had to direct everyone herself.

She wasn’t one to usually step back and let others take charge, but since these were Jay’s friends, it seemed like they might respond better to him. However, now that she’d interacted with them, Misha thought that maybe they would have been just fine with her giving them directions.

Regardless, it was over now, and they could all relax.

After a brief discussion, Jay called in the order for the pizza, having a friendly conversation with whoever answered the phone at the restaurant. Since she’d had pizza already once at the house with the ladies, Misha knew that they were well acquainted with the workers at the pizza place.

With a last look around, Misha locked up the townhouse and followed Jay to his car. She had assumed that he’d have either a muscle car or a big truck, but the man drove a gray mid-size SUV. It was similar to the SUV that had shown up for her shortly after they’d arrived in Serenity. Yet one more gift from Doctor Martin.

Jay guided the SUV with easy movements through the streets to park in front of the pizza place. “Want to come in with me?”

With a nod, Misha undid her seatbelt and climbed out of the car. Jay held the door of the restaurant open, then followed her inside.

“Heya, Coach!” a teen behind the counter called out. “How’s life?”