Page 16 of Jaylen

Misha went to pull her mom into her arms. “You have to take them at their word, Mom. You can’t be responsible for them not being honest about things. If they say it won’t be a problem, let’s accept that until it’s proven otherwise. Besides, Ciara isn’t really a fussy baby. I think we’ll be okay.”

It wasn’t that Misha didn’t understand her mom’s worry. She herself had been in chronic worry mode ever since they’d made the decision to move.

Misha had been leaving her job and a handful of friends, but her mom was leaving the only life she’d ever known. She’d never lived anywhere but Atlanta, and once she’d started working for the Martins, she hadn’t worked anywhere else.

Misha had left Atlanta for school and her residency. She’d only been back there for a couple of years, and with everything that had happened—including having to move twice—she wasn’t as attached to Atlanta as her mom was. Still, leaving had been difficult for her, so she knew it was even more so for her mom.

Thankfully, aside from Davontae, they hadn’t left any family behind in Atlanta. Three of her four grandparents had passed away. She didn’t know if her other grandparent was alive or not. He’d left Misha’s grandmother not long after her dad had been born, apparently deciding that being in a mixed relationship had challenges he didn’t want to deal with. Which had left her grandmother to raise a young son alone.

Her mom had a younger brother, but he’d left to join the military years earlier, and was now living in South Carolina with his family. They had sporadic contact with them, usually just exchanging cards at Christmas.

“I don’t regret this move,” her mom said as she rested her head on Misha’s shoulder. “It’s just… a lot.”

“I know, but I think you’ll find the Halversons to be very gracious and caring. That’s what I’ve experienced in the interactions I’ve had with them.”

Her mom took a deep breath, then stepped back. “Well, let’s get freshened up so we don’t look so bedraggled at dinner.”

With no significant differences between the bedrooms, her mom chose the one across the landing and wheeled her suitcase over to it. While she changed out of the clothes she’d travelled in, Misha kept an eye on Ciara as she explored a little. She quickly washed her face and added a bit of makeup, just so she didn’t look so tired from the long day they’d had.

Ciara also got a change of clothes along with a quick wipe down and a fresh diaper. Misha had no idea how the time difference would factor into her schedule. While it would be nice to have the baby in bed a little earlier, Misha didn’t really want her up two hours earlier. So her plan was to keep her up for as long as possible, hopefully to at least what Misha hoped her bedtime would be, even in Serenity.

Not knowing what they might have for her to eat, Misha pulled out a couple of packs of baby food that she’d put in her bag. Her mom showed up a few minutes later, and like Misha, she’d changed out of her travelling clothes.

Together, they went downstairs, following the sound of conversation and the aroma of dinner. There were a few more people there, but Misha recognized all but the middle-aged man whom she assumed was the other Dr. Halverson.

Cathy approached them with a warm smile and immediately introduced herself to Misha’s mom. “I’m so glad that Misha has family who moved with her. What a blessing.”

Her mom nodded. “I couldn’t let her come without me.”

“More like I couldn’t have moved without you,” Misha said with a laugh. “Ciara and I would be lost if you weren’t here.”

“Oh, she is absolutely beautiful.” Cathy reached out a finger, which Ciara promptly grabbed, giving her a big grin. “What a sweetheart.”

“The kids better watch out now,” the middle-aged man said with a laugh as he joined them. “It’s been too long since we’ve had a baby around. It’s time for some grandchildren, I think. Maybe we could be honorary grandparents to this little one, so we get some practice.”

“This is my husband, Dan,” Cathy said with a laugh.

As she shook his hand, Misha could see shades of Gareth in the man. Introductions were made all around for her mom over the next few minutes, including Jay, who arrived at the tail end of them.

Her mom eyed Janessa and Jay with curiosity. Misha had explained what she’d known about the pair, and she’d seen Janessa in the pictures Misha had taken, but Misha figured shewanted to see how they all interacted as a family. They hadn’t seen many mixed-race families in their neighborhood. At least not where the parents weren’t already a mixed-race couple.

Layla once again greeted Jay with enthusiasm, and the man responded with clear affection. Misha knew that would definitely raise Jay’s estimation in her mom’s eyes.

After they were all seated at the table—with a highchair for Ciara—the elder Dr. Halverson said a prayer of thanks for the food, which also included thanks for the safe arrival of Misha, her mom, and Ciara. Her mom squeezed her hand under the table, and Misha knew it was an encouragement for her that this was a family of faith.

Misha hoped that all of this would put her mom’s worries to rest, but she knew it might take time.


The conversation at the table didn’t focus just on Misha and her mom, for which Misha was very grateful. For one, she was too tired to do a lot of talking. But also, as the Halverson family talked with each other, she learned more about them and their town.

Jay was quieter than Janessa, but he still interacted with those around him. When Misha had Googled his name—just like she’d searched the others—she’d ended up with a lot of hits. More than she’d expected.

It had been surprising to read about his success in basketball at the college level. There had been plenty of speculation that he’d end up playing professionally someday, even after the injury he’d sustained early in his senior season, which they’d claimed shouldn’t be career-ending.

Misha had to admit to being curious as to why he’d returned to Serenity to work in his family’s clinic when he could have potentially gone on to fame and fortune with a career in professional basketball.

Jay didn’t appear to be unhappy. But, of course, what did she know? She’d noticed that the man didn’t show much emotion. Unlike Gareth, who smiled and laughed fairly easily.