Page 61 of Unforgivable

I feel eyes on me. On us.

The first bell has already rung and the hallway is mostly empty, but there are still a few people rushing around. I crane my neck past him and my eyes dart around, tracking how many people might have noticed us together.

“What are you doing?” I mutter in a low voice.

He leans into me and takes hold of my hip. I wheeze out a surprised breath and slap his hand away, trying not to bring attention to the fact that he’s touching me.In public.Is he delirious or what?

My voice raises a fraction above a harsh whisper. “What the hell are you doing?”

His concerned eyes zero in on me. “I wanted to see you. See how you’re feeling.” His voice turns to gravel. “Are you sore, baby girl?”

Oh my God.I shut down another inconvenient shiver and close my eyes in pure mortification. Why does his stupid voice have to affect me so? And what is he doing coming up to me in broad daylight? What kind of trickery is this?

“You could’ve texted me if you were so concerned,” I hiss. “People are staring, wondering why you’re talking to me.”

His expression hardens. “Let them stare. I don’t give a fuck.”

“W-what are you talking about?” I stammer. “You don’t want anyone seeing us together. You don’t want anyone knowing I tutor you. Remember the cafeteria.” I widen my eyes, nodding my head in hopes that the encouragement will joggle his head back to normal because he’s clearly got some loose bolts in there.

“Fuck the cafeteria. I don’t give a shit what people think.”

My mouth drops. “Since when?”

His hand returns to my waist, secured hard enough that I can’t dislodge it with a wiggle of my hips.

Dear God, the gravel is back in his tone. “Since now.”

This won’t do. I’m not sure what the hell is going on, but it won’t do one bit.

I smack his hand again, but it only prompts him to tighten his hold on me. I’m out of my depth here. The idea that one bout of sex is behind his sudden change in behavior is preposterous, but it feels like the ground beneath my feet is shifting like sand. This must be what an earthquake feels like.

I let out an irritated sigh. “Well, I care. I don’t need people knowing we…you know.” I flap my hand in his direction, then mine, then his again.

He looks down at me stubbornly.

Hoping to appeal to his ever-important ambition, I ask, “How would this look to Roxie?” His expression darkens quickly so I add, “Or how will it look when I go missing and they come around to question you about where I’ve disappeared to? Being linked to me will sabotage your plans.”

God knows, it will sabotagemyplans, and honestly, that’s the greater worry. More than ever, it’s imperative that I disappear. I can’t stand by and watch Lucian marry Roxie. Just the thought of a ring on her finger or, even worse, an eagle tattoo over her heart makes my stomach clench and bile rise in my throat.

“Tell me,” he insists, his palm caressing my cheek.

I pretend I don’t know what he’s talking about. “Tell you what?”

I can’t begin to imagine why he’d bring this up in public, where anyone could guess what we’re talking about or, even worse, overhear us.

“What are you doing?” I ask, feeling itchy and hot under the collar.

“There was blood, as you well know,” he goes on. “And don’t think I’m not mad at you for running away, for not letting me take care of you. I would’ve gotten a warm washcloth and wiped away any traces of blood on your pussy and inner thighs. Then, I would’ve made it all better with my tongue. But you took that away from me so the least you can do is tell me if you’re still sore. Either that, or I drag you into an empty classroom and find out for myself.”

Oh, God, no.

My entire face bursts into flames, imagining the things he’d said. Refusing to let me go until he took care of me. Images flash in my mind of Lucian pushing me back onto the bed, dropping to his knees, and meticulously taking care of me. With a warm, wet towel. With his tongue.

Just thinking back on his naked body, lookingfuckingglorious with his semi-erect cock swinging in front of him, I want to lick every inch of him.

Despite my harsh words and running like a coward, a part of me had ached to stay longer. I’d felt so warm and gooey when he laid his head on my chest, his arm securely draped around my waist. I hadn’t felt that safe since Tatum left but feeding those kinds of feelings are scary. Lucian fucked the virgin out of me, and then he went ahead and snatched my heart as well.

I don’t regret losing my virginity to him, but my heart is another matter entirely.