Page 57 of Unforgivable

My whole world is upended, but there it is. I am nothing, if not adaptable.

I’ve fucked many women, but none of them were like Star. Not an hour ago, I was thrusting mindlessly, desperate to empty every single drop of semen in her. To breed her. I pounded away at her untouched cunt ruthlessly and filled her to the brim with my seed—Christ, I’m descending into the crazy.

But I grab the crazy by the horns and run with it.

I came to a few conclusions after her declaration that we would never be together again.

First, I want this woman as my own and I want the world to know it. I want a fat diamond on her ring finger. I want her big and round, carrying my child. I want the Popescu eagle tatted on her breast, like every good Popescu wife has.

My chest seizes.

She’s truly mine and I will do whatever is necessary to lock her down. Iwillmarry her.

I grin, thinking back on what we just did. She’s not shy now, is she? I did that. I made her wild. Broke down the last wall separating us.

Then she asked if it was normal to feel this way and brought up what I said about fuckable pawns. I rarely regret anything I say or do, but remorse hit me like a punch in the gut. I remember saying it during one of our early tutoring sessions. I was talking like an idiot.

And when she said there wouldn’t be a next time, I wanted to yank her back in bed and prove how very wrong she was. I was straining not to grab her when I glanced down at her blood on my dick, and everything clicked into place.

It was like a fucking vision the old saints used to have.

Suddenly the clouds of anger and frustration parted, and I saw my future as clear as light.

My future is Star.

She may not see it yet, but that’s my truth.

And I’m here at Cristo’s to fight for what’s mine.

I stride out of the elevator into Cristo’s loft. He’s by the wall of windows overlooking downtown. I walk over to him and casually listen to his conversation as I stare off into the skyline with the Freedom Tower. Not gonna lie, it’s a nice view.

He finishes his call and turns to me. “What couldn’t wait, runt?” he asks indulgently.

He may be one of the biggest assholes I know, but he’s been like a second father to me. Instead of throwing my family out of our house to install his father’s currentconsilier, he fought for us. He gave me time to grow up and prove my worth. He didn’t give me any favors beyond that, and he sure as hell never coddled me, but he roots for me in the background. That does something to a man—knowing someone sees your worth when everyone expects you to follow in your father’s footsteps.

“Thanks for meeting me,sef.” Leaning against a white column, I say, “I have a proposal to make. It benefits our clan, it benefits you, and it benefits me.”

Interest—the greedy kind—sparks in his eyes.

Turning toward me fully, he says, “You’ve got my attention.” He gestures with his hand for me to continue.

I take a moment to gather my strength, drape it around me like a fucking cloak of invincibility, and declare, “I want to marry Star. I’ve fucked her and I’m claiming her.”

Crossing his arms over his chest, he leans back against the windowsill and lets out a soft, disbelieving chuckle. “I should’ve known… All that talk about how you don’t want to be tutored by her.”

“I didn’t,” I admit.

“And the fuckup in the cafeteria? You still managed to get her in your bed after that? Impressive.”

“Never underestimate me.”

His eyes harden. “There’s Roxie to consider.”

I knew this would be the sticking point.

“I’ve considered it and after reviewing the pros and cons, Star still wins out by a mile.”
