Page 40 of Unforgivable

Test me, little girl. See what you get.

Confusion clouds over the sharp black flames in her pupils. I didn’t react like she expected and she doesn’t know what to do about it.

She slowly unclamps her teeth and breaks our contact. Drops of blood coat her bottom lip, urging me to lick them or bite them in return.

I smirk at her, tasting my own blood.

I imagine my smile must look garish because she pulls back with a wince. “It was a warning. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

I huff out a laugh. “You didn’t hurt me. You made me hard.”

Her eyes pop out in alarm, darting down to my cock. Still cupping her, I squeeze her tightly. She lets out a yelp.

I withdraw my hand, but warn her, “Be careful next time, baby girl. Your bite only provokes me to dominate you.”

Her mouth drops open. She snaps it shut and swallows, but her eyes dilate, letting me know more than she probably knows herself.

She’s fucking perfect for my tastes.

“Ahh, you like that.”

She straightens her spine and denies it. “I donot.”

“You haven’t had sex yet,” I say matter-of-factly, since that explains everything.

“So?” Said with indignation as if it wasn’t obvious that she was a virgin.

“You don’t know how it can be between a man and a woman. How good it can be, the mix between pleasure and pain. There are different…how should I put it…tastes…in the bedroom. Some men like to dominate. I’m one of them. If you’re ever tempted to—”

“I’m not,” she interrupts.

“If you’re ever tempted to experiment,” I go on, “then you should know that I like to be in control. You think you can handle that with your sassy mouth and attitude?”

Two bright splotches decorate her cheeks. She shakes her head vigorously. “Nothing’s going to happen between us.”

I smile a knowing smile. “Never say never.”

“Believe me, it’s a never,” she says with utter conviction. “I’m not giving up my virginity to amafieguy. I’d rather give it up to the man at the corner store.”

I’m confused and…insulted. What she said is like a slap to the face, “What do you have againstmafiemen?”

“I can’t afford to lose my virginity to amafieguy who might find his conscious and force me to marry him. I’m leaving, remember.”

There she goes again with this so-calledleavingbusiness. I promised to help her because I needed her cooperation, but I didn’t think she was serious. A whisper of fear brushes over my nape, making it prickle with alarm, but I stoutly ignore it. She’s not my responsibility, I remind myself.

The prickling only intensifies.

I clap the back of my neck to dislodge the disturbing sensation. She’snotmy responsibility, I repeat fiercely.

Granted, I made sure to never fuck a virgin for that very reason. I didn’t want to get roped into marriage with a fuck buddy when marrying a princess was part of my grand plan. But looking at Star, with her hair rumpled from where I grasped her nape and her lips stained red with my blood, the thought of fucking anyone but her makes my skin crawl.

I return to her comment that nothing would happen between us. I think back to her dismissive attitude. She was never like this before. It’s ridiculous to blame me when she’s the one that approached me at lunch and started rambling on about tutoring in front of my men and Dinu, of all people.

“What did you expect from me in the cafeteria?” I demand.

I can tell my question has thrown her off, but she rallies quickly. Her face turns to stone and she replies snidely, “Oh, I don’t know. A bit of decency, maybe.”

“You blame me, but you refuse to see your part. You came up tomein public and babbled on about our tutoring. I could’ve handled my men, but Dinu and his men? Don’t act naïve. You know the rules, Star.”