Page 2 of Unforgivable

But I hear her.

Her voice is soft and clear like chimes, even though she just gave a command. I hear it in my dreams; it chases the goblins away.

I place my hand in the center of her chest. A braid slips off a shoulder as she stumbles back a step and twists her ankle. She rights herself, putting weight on it, but holds herself upright with a grimace.

“Who’s gonna stop me?” I demand.

Fury darkens her eyes to a pitch black, the flags of pink on her cheeks redden, but she remains silent. She’s too weak to go toe to toe with me. It’s something I count on.

I shove her shoulder again.

“Not you,” I say.

Crina rushes to her feet and links arms with Star. This is their way of showing a united front.

I roll my eyes.

My gaze flicks to Crina. “Or you.”

I side-eye Marku to come in and get Crina before I’m forced to do something he won’t like.

He steps forward, but before he has a chance, an outraged “Hey!” rings out behind me.

It’s an adult one this time. We freeze.

“What is going on here, Lucian Popescu?”

The teacher on recess duty strides up to me. She takes in the situation, pausing a beat as she sees Star’s knees, the smudge across her cheekbone where she swiped her white-blonde braid away from her face, and the tear on the sleeve of her blue checkered dress.

“Who did this to you, Star?”

Her question is met with silence.

I glare at Star, shooting her warnings of revenge if she doesn’t cover for me.Not good enough, Star.

“N-no one, Ms. Dimitriu. I f-fell,” she replies, too little too late.

“Hmm, fat chance.” She stares at me and sighs, then points to the entrance to the school building. “To the principal’s office, Lucian.”

I groan and throw out my hand toward Star. “I didn’t do that. This isn’t fair. Just ’cause I’m a boy, you think it’s me.”

She twirls around fast and bears down on me, but I hold my ground. “No,notbecause you’re a boy,” she emphasizes. “Because you’reyou. Ten years old and you already have a reputation for acting up and bullying other kids.”

A gasp comes from some other kid behind me.

I swivel my head over my shoulder to see who it is. I clock the kid’s face. It’s Dan. He pales when he realizes he’s gotten my attention.

“It wasn’t him. N-not this time,” tries Star again, stepping forward to block the teacher’s glare on me.

Ms. Dimitriu turns her gaze down to Star. “I might believe you if we were talking about anyone else.” She leans over, past Star’s slim figure, and orders, “To the office, Lucian.”

Normally, Ms. D is easygoing, but Star rakes up protectors like fallen leaves in autumn. She has that effect on people.

Her tone hardens. “Now.”

I growl low as I pass Star before stomping off. A brisk wind blasts my face as I trudge through the crowd of kids that part like the Red Sea.

Marku gives me a smirk. I glare at the kid who’d reacted to Ms. D’s comment. Marku gives me a nod. He’ll join me at the principal’s office soon enough.