“Seven?” I ask, following him in. I look around to a very empty room. Scar is nowhere to be found.

“Damn it to hell. This cannot be fucking happening! Where the fuck did he go? He was unconscious. Scar had lost way too much blood to get out of here alone.”

Jacob walks in, looking at Seven and then the empty office.

“What’s wrong?” Jacob asks, clearly feeling the anger rolling off Seven.

“Did you guys get rid of the body?” Seven snaps.

“No, we thought he was up here,” he says, shaking his head.

“Son of a bitch. Let’s find all the surveillance video. We need to find who helped that son of a bitch escape.”

“Maybe you didn’t do your job and he walked away on his own,” Jacob suggests, scowling at Seven.

“He got away,” Oracle says, coming in just in time to state the obvious.

“I cut him several times. The last time I nearly sliced his damn throat in half. There’s no way he could survive on his own and get himself out of here.”

“He could have fed and healed enough to allow him to flee,” Oracle adds.

“If he fed off someone there would be a dead body here. Besides, he was knocked out. He was too far gone to feed from anyone.”

“Unless someone gave him blood willingly.”

“Who would be stupid enough to do that?” Seven asks, running a frustrated hand through his hair.

“Whoever the owner of this is,” Oracle explains, leaning down near a puddle of blood—a very large, dark puddle, standing out against the white tile of the floor. He pulls out a yellow scarf with what looks to be bees on it. The pattern is barely visible through the stain, but it’s there.

“Fuck,” Seven mutters under his breath. “Let’s get out of here. We need to call in the cleaning crew. Oracle did you scrub everything that happened from—”

Oracle interrupts Seven. “Stop second guessing me. I even strongly suggested everyone involved call in sick for the rest of the day and take a long nap.”

“I’ll get a cleaner,” Jacob says. His mood affected by the disappearance of Scar, but no longer seemingly stuck on blaming Seven.

Seven nods to him before reaching out to grab my hand. We turn to leave, and when I look back, I see Oracle using an empty coffee cup to collect blood off the floor.

“What’s he doing?” I ask.

“Collecting blood. It may come in handy.”

I scrunch up my face, still weird out about all this blood and what it can do.

“Ew,” I mumble under my breath.

“Let’s go home,” Seven grumbles. “I need to tell my mate how much she disappointed me by showing up in the middle of a battle.”

“Yes, let’s go home and I can tell you how grouchy and unthankful my mate is when I save his life.”




I climb back into bed next to Grace, snuggling into her as I pull her close to my side. I just cleaned us both of us after long, overdue sex. Okay, so not overdue, but hearing her voice in the middle of my fight with Scar, scared the shit out of me. My instincts to protect my mate were in overdrive until I got her home. The only thing that sated it was being inside her over and over until we both needed to breathe.

“I’m sorry you didn’t get Scar,” Grace says, rubbing circles on my chest with her fingertips.

“Me, too. I feel like I let everyone down, but most importantly you and that’s a shit feeling.”

Grace laughs, shaking her head at me. “That could never happen.”

“He’s a threat to you, Grace. I should have had him.” I growl wondering why I didn’t just stab him through the heart. The moment of walking out of the office plays over in my head. I could’ve killed him in a million different ways but instead I wanted him to suffer and die slowly. That choice let him get away.

“You wounded him,” she insists. “Oracle says that at the very least the man will be out of commission for a very long time.”

“That’s not good enough. Those damn knives Oracle made were supposed to kill him.” They were supposed to be a sure thing. Even if someone was powerful like Scar, he should be taking a dirt nap. Instead, he’s in the wind, which puts us no closer than we were to getting him. He won’t stay down forever. I know him enough to know that.

“You don’t know that it hasn’t already killed him,” she points out.

“True, but I’m pretty sure some chick wouldn’t be able to get him out of there alone. Especially if she fed him anything at all. Fuck, none of this makes sense. Why would someone help a bastard as evil as Scar is beyond anything I can grasp.”

“Take a breath Seven, you can’t be responsible for everything, sweetheart.”