“Good morning, Dr. Brashear.” I hear the woman’s voice through the door as I try my best to lower my heart rate and keep it in time with the secretary’s. I slip deeper into the corner with my knife drawn. I’m prepared, ready to get him.

The room is pitch black. Scar needing to flick on the light, give me the spilt second to strike out before I’m spotted. The door opens and before I can swipe the sword at him, Scar shoves his hand out, sending me crashing into the wall behind me. The bookshelf collapses around me, sending debris to the floor. He does it all without touching me, something Oracle did with Endy. That’s new for Scar. I think bitterly as I quickly right myself as Scar flicks on the lights.

“If it isn’t my disappointing waste of sperm,” Scar sneers.

I snarl at him as I follow him with my eyes, waiting for my opening. “You’re nothing to me!”

“Did you really think you could show up here and kill me?” Scar asks, dryly. “I’m your elder, boy. I’d like to teach you the importance of that, but you won’t be alive much longer. So, there’s no need for me to waste my time.”

I roll my wrist, adjusting my grip on the sword. It shines off the light in the room, moving as if is an extension of my arm. I crouch a bit into an attack position, “It’s you who won’t be alive when I’m finished.

Scar throws his head back and laughs as I lunge at him. He moves swiftly, sidestepping and then, tripping me as my momentum pushes me forward to the floor. I duck and roll just narrowly missing the chairs, bouncing to my feet, and not leaving my back turned to him. I’m ready for another attack before he advances.

I watch Scar as his fangs and claws elongate, rushing forward to attack me. I swing the knife out, but Scar evades the strike, raking his claws into my bicep. Blood trickles down my left arm. It hurts like hell, but I ignore it, allowing my rage and adrenaline to take over.

“You must realize by now that I’m just playing with you, don’t you, son?” Scar asks, faking pity.

I laugh bitterly. “That’s my line.”

I lunge at him, spinning out of the way of his claws, just in time to catch his arm with the blade. Scar shoves out his hands, pushing me away as we keep circling one another, ignoring the trashed furniture and papers now littering the floor.

“What do you think a small cut like this will do?” Scar mocks me.

“If you get enough of those, they will kill you. It’ll just be slow and painful as hell.”

“So, your plan is to make me suffer?” Scar laughs. The slight twitch of his eye tells me exactly how painful that small cut is. He’s just trying to act like it doesn’t.

“Got it in one,” I tell him.

“Perhaps my blood is flowing through your veins after all. Aren’t you afraid I’ll command you to kill yourself?” Scar quirks an eyebrow as he squints as if testing the bond.

“We learned enough from the past. It didn’t work between Ettie and Draven, and it sure as hell won’t work with us. My mating bond takes precedence over everything. I’m here to defend my mate against you. You have no hold over me, Scar.”

“You almost have a brain in there,” he taunts.

“Thank God, I took after my mother,” I bark.

“She was a sniveling bitch. Weak as water that one.” Of course, he would think of her like that. He doesn’t value any woman.

“That’s better than being a psychotic asshole with a god complex.”

Scar snarls as he picks up the computer on the desk, throwing it at me. I stumble out of the way of the computer, but I missed his intentions. Blinding pain sears through me as he rakes his claws jaggedly down my chest. I scream out, whipping my arm up. The blade just misses Scar’s face, but slices through his ear. He howls with pain as I fall to my back.

Scar stands over me, ready to slice into my neck until his eyes suddenly go wide, stopping cold.

“Where the hell did you come from?” Scar asks, looking around.

“I’m here to kill you.” My mate. That’s my Grace speaking. I can’t see her, but that’s definitely her voice. I’m gathering from his reaction he can not only hear her but see her as well.

“You’re as stupid as your mate, but I’ll enjoy killing you in front of Seven so he can watch.”

“I don’t need to be the one to kill you, Scar. My job is to distract you.” I can hear the smile in her voice.

Scar’s eyes go wide as I hop to my feet, bringing the knife down as it slams into his face, slicing him from his bloody ear down to his chin and neck. Before I can finish the job, sirens coming from an open window and screaming coming from the reception area, stop me.