I can tell Sean is not happy about it, but he nods in agreement.

“I don’t like leaving the girls here without protection,” Leo says.

“That’s why Oracle is remaining here. He will protect the women with his life,” I add.

Oracle frowns. “But you will need me. I am the most powerful one here. Scar is—”

“That’s why we’re going to face Scar in groups. Nine and Jacob will be together. Leo and Sean will be at the front entrance and I—”

“Alone. You will be alone. You can’t face Scar alone, Seven. He’s way too powerful,” Leo warns, shaking his head.

“I can do this. I’m newly bonded. I have power that I’ve never had before and its power that Scar doesn’t have because he’s rotted on the inside instead of cherishing his mate. I can do this,” I insist.

We all look at Oracle. He thinks it over a second before shrugging. “He could pull it off.”

“See!” I insist.

“Or he could die bloody and provide Scar with a weapon to kill us all,” he adds with a shrug. I glare at Oracle, but he ignores me.

“This is the only way. There are too many entrances and exits close to the doctor’s office. As it is, there’s a possibility, he will choose one of the unwatched areas and it won’t work anyway,” I argue.

Oracle yawns, still only half-interested in the discussion. “He’ll choose the easiest. Scar was always lazy.”

“Then this is the way it’s going to be. Let’s get moving. I want this done and be back before my mate has too much time to stew on her anger. I like Grace better when she’s happier.”

Leo rolls his eyes. “You like her any way you can get her.”

I smile. “I can’t argue with that at all.”



My heavy footsteps echo as I walk down the stairs to the lab. I’m still upset that Seven was already gone by the time I woke up. He’s been insisting that he face Scar on his own. To protect me. His words bounce around in my head. I roll my eyes. I don’t like it. I want to help. That’s why he left while I was sleeping instead of waking me up and telling me goodbye as he promised. I should be pissed and not just irritated, but he likely knew I was lying first when I said I’d let him go without trying to tag along. Damn him.

I keep telling Seven that I don’t trust him, but the truth is, I do. I need to make sure he knows that. I am right where I belong—where I’m meant to be. I finally feel alive for the first time in my life.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I can see Oracle and Ettie whispering They stop as I approach.

“They left, didn’t they?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“They are stubborn,” Ettie says, nodding to confirm my suspicions. “Leo knows I have my own powers and can help, but he made sure to leave without me.”

“Seven is going to get himself killed and it will be my fault! He’s doing this to protect me.”

“Partially he is, but for Seven this is personal,” Oracle corrects me.

“What do you mean by personal?” I ask, seeing Ettie look at me with guilt on her face.

“Scar is Seven’s father,” Ettie says softly.

Father? It takes me a minute to process that and even then, I don’t feel like it computes in my brain. "Scar’s his father?"

Oracle shrugs. “Sperm donor is you’d rather. That’s a fact that Seven never talks about and won’t acknowledge to be true.”

The news hits me like a ton of bricks, making my nauseous as it sits in my stomach like a dead weight. I try to swallow it down. “How can we help him, so he doesn’t get killed?”

“We could go there,” Ettie says.

“We could, but there’s a chance we’d arrive too late…or just in time to distract the others and get them killed,” Oracle responds.

“Well, I’m not doing nothing. I want to help,” I insist.

“Then there’s only one option really,” Oracle says, unemotionally.

“What is it?” I ask while Ettie and I both stare at him expectantly.

“Grace will just have to teleport there.”

I squint at him. “You mean use my spirit walker capability you say I have, but I’ve never been able to use?” I ask dryly.

“Yes, that one,” Oracle says with a nod.

I take a deep breath, steadying myself. “And if I can’t do it?”

“Then we’re no better or worse off than we are now.”

I shake my head. “That’s not every encouraging.”

Oracle shrugs. I look at Ettie who gives me a small smile. “You can do it. I know you can.”

“There is a bright side to this,” Oracle says.

“What is it?” I ask, hesitantly.

“You’ll be a spirit there, so Scar can’t actually kill you unless he breaks in here and destroys your body.”