“I bet it means she can become one in the shadows like that movie we watched.”

“That would be really cool. That was a good movie,” Leo adds.

“It was okay. I’d take Invisible man over Darkman,” Ettie says.

“Oh, yeah. That movie made Leo yell like a little girl,” Sean says laughing and nodding in agreement with Ettie.

“I did not,” Leo says, scowling.

“You kind of did, sweetheart,” Ettie says, patting Leo’s shoulder as she tries to conceal her smile.

Seven growls. “Will you all shut up? She said spirit walker, not shadow walker. This is no laughing matter. Grace, I forbid you to try and find Lucy.”

I try to push Seven away so I can get off his lap, but his strong arms wrap around me so I can’t move. It leaves me with no other option than to send daggers at him with my eyes instead.

“I’m serious. I’ve read books in the lab. There are several on spirit walkers. It’s too dangerous.”

“You’re my mate, but you’re never going to be able to tell me what I can and cannot do. I live my own life and I’m going to help save my friend.”

“You don’t even know you can save her, baby,” Seven counters. I know he’s trying to reason with me, but I don’t care.

“I do know it. I feel it,” I counter. “That’s the reason I could see her. I’m supposed to save her.”

Seven puts a hand on both sides of my face, gently turning my head to look at him. “Gracie.” I place my hand over his.

“Seven, I know it. She’s trapped in another plane. She can’t get her body to cross back over.”

“Is any of this making sense to you?” Leo whispers to Ettie.

“Bits and pieces, but only because I’ve been listening in when her and Oracle talk about it.”

“If she is trapped, what’s to say you won’t be trapped too, Gracie?”

“Because I feel in my heart that I am supposed to do this. I know it,” I repeat.

“Damn it, Gracie! How can you expect me to let this happen when we both know what could happen—what has happened?”

“How do you expect me to let you go to my therapy appointment you had me make just to have a showdown with this Scar person? Especially when I know what could happen—what has happened?” I ask, throwing his words back at him.

“Because I have to. This has to be done to protect us all,” Seven says, waving a hand at everyone to further prove his point.

“And I have to do this to help Oracle and Lucy. You wanted me to be a part of your world, Seven and now I am. You don’t get to pick and choose what areas I get to be involved in.”

Seven sighs. “But you aren’t sure you’re a spirit walker.”

“I’m not. I haven’t been able to leave my body to go…anywhere.”

“Did she say leave her body?” Sean asks, wide-eyed.

“A spirit walker is a person who is believed to have the ability to consciously leave his physical body and move in spirit form,” I tell them.

“How did Lucy’s body travel with her to some other place?” Leo asks.

“Yeah, baby. Explain that one,” Seven says, quirking his eyebrow.

I roll my eyes, frustrated with this whole conversation. “Remember I’m just taking you for a test drive, Seven. It wouldn’t do to piss me off.”

He smirks. “Test drive my ass. You’re stuck with me, and you know it. I am, however, going to spank your ass for that one later.”

I feel my cheeks blush as I take in his sly grin, ignoring his comment.

“According to Oracle, Lucy began changing once their bond was complete,” I explain.

“Change how?” Seven asks.

“When she would travel, her body would go, too. She did fine with it as long as she ingested Oracle’s blood. It grounded her and kept her power strong.”

“So, what happened?” Ettie asks, looking worried.

“I know,” Leo says surprising everyone.

“You do?” I ask. I know Oracle only talked in depth with me about this because there’s a chance I could help.

“Yeah. Nothing could keep me from making sure Ettie had what she needed unless….”

“Shit,” Seven mutters under his breath. I glance at him seeing the pain on his face. “Oracle got captured.”

I nod. “Her powers began going on the fritz when she didn’t have Oracle to drink from. She was trying to way inside the facility undetected against Oracle’s orders and ended up in a whole other plane of existence…trapped. She could come back, but her body wouldn’t. She would stay here until she was forced to go back and reconnect with her body, because if she didn’t…”

“She would die,” Ettie whispers.

I nod, swallowing at the pain my friend is probably enduring—wherever she is right now. My heart is also breaking for Oracle. For years everyone thought he was talking to himself, thinking he was insane.