His brushes my face gently with his hand, still staring at me intently. “God Gracie, you’re so fucking beautiful. You make me ache.” His words warm and wrap around me. This is it. This is what love—real love—feels like. I feel beautiful for the first time in my life. I give myself permission to bask in it. I reach up, caressing his face.

Our bond is complete now. I try talking to him in his mind. I mean, this is my world now. I fully accept it.

He smiles indulgently and I can tell certain activities are playing in his mind just as they are in mine. “Oh, not quite yet.” I pause staring at him. I thought the whole thing had been explained. Have sex with your mate and that’s that. “You have to drink from me.”

My face scrunches as I think about it. “I’m not sure that’s going to be as fun as everything else we did. I can’t even do that for myself when I prick my finger with a needle.”

Seven laughs, causing his body to vibrate against mine. “I hereby volunteer to be the licker of needle pricked fingers for life.”

I suddenly picture Seven as an old man walking into the room to kiss my finger better when I’m sewing. I don’t bother stopping the giggle that escapes me. “Say that five times fast and the job is yours.” He laughs with me a second before silencing me with a sweet and tender kiss. I moan as his tongue dances with mine.

“I’ll make this easy for you. I can put a drop on my tongue and kiss you. You’ll never have to see it. I don’t want you to ever find anything we share disgusting, Gracie.”

“Do you think I could?” I ask, sincerely worried. I think on it myself and I can’t think of a thing that we could do together that would disgust me. Seven is a part of me. I don’t want him to think I can’t accept him.

He shrugs and I get a glimpse of hurt in his eyes. That hurt is my fault. I love this man with all my heart. There’s nothing about him I’d find distasteful. What’s a little blood after all the things we just did? If that means we both are protected it’s more than worth it.

“Seven, you have to know by now that I accept you completely,” I assure him.


I cut him off with a kiss, swiping my tongue against his bottom lip before sucking it into my mouth. His visceral response pushes me to keep going as I feel his cock growing harder and pressing against me. I brazenly bite down on his lip, harder than I imagined I’d have to, sawing my teeth against the skin until I taste his blood. Instead of a repulsive coppery taste as I expected its much sweeter, reminding me of candy. His body shivers over mine as my tongue laps at the wound.

My body feels as if I’m on fire. I growl, licking greedily at the wound as Seven thrusts his cock deep into me.

“Mine,” Seven growls possessively. You’re mine, Gracie.

I am, I always will be.



Three Days Later

I walk into the main room feeling defeated. Seven and the others are already in here, all except Oracle who’s still in the lab. I know he’s disappointed in me, but I’m just as disappointed in myself.

I flop onto the sofa where Seven is sitting and he immediately pulls me into his lap as I nestle into him.

“What’s wrong, Gracie?” he asks, brushing the hair away from my face.

I sigh. “I think Lucy and Oracle were wrong.” Or maybe I’m wrong. Or I’m doing something wrong.

“Wrong about what?” Leo asks.

“I don’t think I’m a spirit walker,” I tell them dejectedly.

The whole room goes quiet as they stare at me.

“What?” Seven asks.

I exhale my frustration. “I said, I don’t think I’m a spirit walker even if Oracle thinks I am.”

“They think you’re a spirit walker?” Seven asks, staring at me like I’m crazy.

“I told you,” I huff, not really wanting to talk about any of this.

“No, no you didn’t. If you had, I would definitely remember it. Believe me.”

“Oh. Well, I meant to. I don’t suppose it matters now anyway because I don’t think I am.”

“It’s a very big deal,” Seven says.

“Listen, I know I told you they thought I was like Lucy. What did you think I meant?” I ask him, still frowning at his reaction.

“Hell, I don’t know. I guess I thought you were a witch or something, at the least I figured you could astral project. A spirit walker is something else entirely.”

“Do you even know what a spirit walker is?” I ask him.

“Do you?” Seven throws back the question at me. I stare at him a moment before Sean interrupts the contest going on between us.