“Hmm,” Sean hums, leaning back in his chair.

“Wouldn’t he be on there?” Leo asks.

“Well, he came in as a replacement for Grace’s original doctor, right? So maybe they don’t have him listed,” Sean says, pulling out his cellphone. He dials the hospital’s number, pressing numbers as he gets to the prompts.

“Can I get transferred to Dr. Cooke’s office?” Sean asks while Leo mouths the word Cooke.

“That’s Grace’s original therapist,” I whisper to Leo. Sean nods in agreement just as someone must answer on the other end.

“Hi, I’m new in town and I’m looking to schedule a therapist appointment. Dr. Cooke came highly recommended,” Sean pauses. I’m surprised at his customer service voice and ability to create a random story. There’s a pause and I assume the person on the like is talking. “Oh, that’s too bad. Would you have any recommendations on someone else since Dr. Cooke is not in town?”

Sean pauses again. “Dr. Brashear? That would probably be okay. Is he from here too? Oh, West Virginia? That’s a coincidence. I have family there.” The three of us look at each other, knowing our memories from Virginia are as awful as they could be. “Can I have Dr. Brashear’s first name? Maybe someone of my family knows him and can recommend him further. Lee. Got it. Thank you for your time.” Sean hangs up, pulling the laptop closer to him.

“Should we be worried that this doctor is from the same area where we were held captive?” Leo asks, addressing the elephant in the room the second he could.

“That’s a big state and could be a coincidence,” Sean counters, trying to be the voice of reason. He begins typing into the web browser until he pulls up a site called Doctors.com. He types in West Virginia. “The AMA has this thing called doctor finder. It’s not one hundred percent, but if he’s legit, he should be on here.”

I don’t believe in coincidences, and I have a feeling that whatever we find will be leading us to more answers. Even so, I might as well be standing on nails with how uncomfortable this waiting game is. Sean is a computer whiz, but even his crazy skills aren’t fast enough to make this feeling go away.

“He’s listed,” Sean says. I finally take a breath knowing that I could be overreacting and just need to relax. I was worrying for nothing.

Sean clicks the link, and it takes a minute for the page to load.

Leo looks down and whistles. “If that’s Dr. Brashear, he’d have to be giving a lot more than a fake accent to make Grace believe he's a man.”

Sean turns the computer until I’m looking at a slightly overweight blonde in a white coat with glasses like Grace’s.

I walk out of the room, calling out for Grace. I could use our mind connection, but until we find out how this Dr. Brashear managed to do that, I want to hold off. Not only does Grace come out, Ettie and Oracle follow I motion for them and lead them back into the office. I put my hand on her back, enjoying the heat that rolls through me.

“Does that woman look familiar?” I ask, pointing at the screen.

“No…” she answers, confused. “Why does it say she’s my doctor?”

“That’s what we’re trying to figure out,” I tell her. “Sean, pull up the lab files.” I have a hunch but I’d rather double check just to be sure. “Show me Scar’s folder.”

“There’s no need,” Oracle says.

To hear him sound almost sane is nice. I think it’s that he’s getting help to find his mate and has something to hold on to. Oracle takes the chair Sean just got up from, bringing up pictures of everyone in the compound including Scar’s although his folder is black and white compared to the others. He clicks on it and finds a file before opening the tab as it pulls up a picture of Scar. Oracle steps out of the way, giving us all a better view.

“Gracie, does that man look familiar?” I ask, gently.

“That’s Dr. Brashear.” The fear in her voice tells me she’s put it together. The sound of her fear mingles with the bitter anger in my gut as I realize how close Scar was to getting his hands on my mate. I’m lucky she came back from her appointment, but now he’s in her head. There’s a collective sound of swears until Ettie interrupts it.

“What does this mean, exactly?” Ettie asks.

I look down at Grace. “It means that I’m going to kill that son of a bitch.”



Lying in bed with Seven, I can feel the tension in both of us. I’m more worried, while he’s just extremely pissed.

“Do you really think me setting up an appointment with Dr. Brashear was smart, Seven?” I ask, worrying my lip. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. It would seem like the best course of action would be to avoid this Scar at all costs.