“Do you have the results, or have you called just to waste my valuable time?”

“Sir, I suppose the answer is y-yes and n-no.”

“What kind of fucking answer is that?” I growl. My patience with this incompetent fool running very thin. “If you don’t give me the information, I want I will personally fly back to West Virginia and kill you. Trust me, Jenkins, I will make your death hurt in more ways than your feeble mind can imagine.” I hear him gulp and glass clinking as his handshakes likely spilling all over himself. I smile knowing he’s scared of me.

“The blood seems human, at first glance…”

“What do you mean when you say at first glance?” I rub my temple waiting for him to find the guts to spit it out.

“The blood qualities are consistent with…”


“With specimen Four’s mate.”

“What the fuck? How is that even possible?”

“We would need the subject to do further testing to be sure, sir.”

“The new facility close to Butte is nearly complete. Have everyone out here next week. I’ll find a way to lure that bitch out by then.”

I hang up the phone, slightly unsatisfied.

“Why can’t everyone be like you, my beautiful pet?”

She purrs in the back of her throat, climbing to her knees in between my legs. She rubs her hands down my thighs, her manicured nails raking the skin. “Because they don’t respect your power.”

“But you do, don’t you, sweet Glenna?” I ask, wrapping my hands in her hair, and pulling her so her lips are close to mine. She puckers her pouty lips, trying to kiss me, but I stay just far enough away. “Don’t you?” I ask again. My tone has an edge to it.

“I do,” Glenna purrs, still trying to reach my lips. “I truly do.”

I kiss her fiercely, pulling her onto my lap, and wrapping my hands around her luscious ass. I’m keeping my pretty toy. She seems to be the only thing that soothes me.




I shake off the cold, blowing into my hands to warm them. I’m outside with Leo doing patrols around the mountain checking the perimeter and making sure our fences haven’t been tampered with. There’s a light snowfall on the mountain tops and the air is crisp.

“Has Grace talked to you yet?” Leo asks, expectantly.

“Not since the night she shut me out of her head.” I grind my teeth in frustration. I don’t know how I’m supposed to thaw the ice between us if she won’t even let me try.

“Haven’t you tried to talk to her since then?” Leo asks, quirking an eyebrow at me.

“What part of shut me out do you not understand?” I snap. I’m in a foul mood. I know I’m miserable to be around, but they can take it or leave it. My mate doesn’t want me. I don’t see the point in pretending to be okay.

Leo is ahead of me as we check a gate, making sure there’s no weakness around the compound or signs of Scar near us. Thankfully, we haven’t been able to find any signs of him. Leo turns around looking at me like I’m crazy.

“What?” I ask, staring back at him.

“I never figured you for a pussy.”

“What’re you talking about?” I ask with a glare. I need someone to take my anger out on and if he keeps it up, it will be him.

“Go to her. Demand she talks to you face to face. Stop letting her call all the shots.”

“I want to do that but…”

“But you don’t have any balls? Grow a pair Seven and show your woman who her mate is.”

“Damn it, Leo, it’s not that easy. I lied to her. She has a right to hate me.”

“She does. You’re right, but she’s never going to stop if you don’t step up and prove you’re her man either. Damn Seven. Ettie thought I had turned my back on her and had given up all hope when it came to me. What do you think would’ve happened if I had never tried to find her again?” Leo asks, not pausing for my answer. “The one regret I have is that I didn’t find my woman sooner. Stop being a pussy and step up to the plate.”

“You’re enjoying calling me a pussy a little too much,” I warn.

“If the shoe fits, wear it.”

“I’m trying to be respectful. I did this and I deserve the consequences.”


“Asshole,” I growl back.


“Jesus, how does Ettie put up with you?” He laughs at my question, and I shake my head. “Okay, okay. I promise to try and reach her tonight.”

“There you go,” he cheers.

“You just get ready to plan my funeral out. I fully expect Grace to try to kill me the minute she lays eyes on me.”

“Don’t forget that Grace is not completely human. That means the mating pull could be as strong for her as it is for you,” he says as we start to walk the perimeter again.