Lucy accused him of showing off and the smile on his face when she did, said it all. I hate to admit it, but I really like them. And because of that, I canceled my appointment with Dr. Brashear and have been dodging his calls to reschedule.

I’ve only spent time with Ettie, Lucy, and Oracle. No one else has pushed me to interact with them and I’m just fine with that. Ettie has been teaching me about the people I’m surrounded by. I’m taking it all in and I can admit my fear is slowly leaving me. Still, I haven’t worked up the nerve to talk to Seven. In my defense, I’ve had to deal with not only finding out I’ve been lied to by the man that I was starting to fall for. I’ve also had to discover there are people with abilities I’ve only seen in movies. One of those people is supposedly my supernatural version of a soul mate that needs me to survive.

I argued and denied Lucy every single time she’s told me that. I know she has the patience of a saint. But tonight, I could hear Seven and another man discussing it in my dreams. I know enough now to believe my dreams are real sadly, but I don’t know what to do about it.

I’m sure I should be freaking out and granted sometimes I do, but some of what Lucy and Oracle share with me feels as if the pieces I’ve always been missing are finally clicking into place. Regardless, I have a million things to process, and the fact that Seven might die without me is terrifying.

He shouldn’t have lied to me. A sigh escapes my lips. Not even a second goes by before I get a response in my head.

You won’t believe how sorry I am about that, Gracie. I never truly wanted to. I tried not to lie about anything in our time together….

“Get out of my head, Seven!”

You started it. My heart sinks. He likely didn’t miss the part of me thinking about missing him.

If you miss me, all you have to do is give me the word and I’ll come to you. My blasted body responds to his words as if nothing has happened.

“I don’t want you near me!” I know I’m scream the words out loud, but I know he can hear them in his head. I can feel the connection now and it’s strong.

I hear him sigh. You must care for me. If you didn’t you wouldn’t still be here and I’m holding onto that hope that you’ll eventually give me another chance.

“Are you not familiar with the term hell freezing over?”

I am, but that doesn’t stop me from hoping that you’ll eventually relent because there’s no way I can live without you.

I huff out in annoyance. “I’ve already heard from Oracle how mates can’t live without one another.” I hadn’t intended to let him know I know that.

Seven sounds annoyed now as a growl of frustration vibrates through my head. He has no business telling you that.

“Yeah, well I wish he hadn’t.”

It changes nothing. You either stay or you go. What happens to me shouldn’t factor in your decision.

“That’s easy for you to say.”

I love you. I want to spend my life with you.

“Seven.” I try to stop him. I feel like my heart can’t take any more. I’m not ready.

What I don’t want is your pity.

“I’m not ready to talk to you yet and you have to realize how weird this is for me.”

What do you mean?

“I’m sitting here in my bed, having a conversation with a man I had nightmares about for months. I literally saw over and over how you would kill me—”

I would never hurt you. I ignore that and keep talking.

“Now, I guess you’re my ex-boyfriend, but you lied to me at my weakest point that we were getting married. Now we’re talking late at night and there’s no cell phone in sight.”

Just another sign that you should believe we can make this work. Our connection is special. It’s fated. Just as I said.

“You don’t even know me. If you did, you’d know that I don’t believe in fate. We make our own fate.”

You can’t deny that for whatever reason you’re connected to me as much as I am to you. If it was a lie, we wouldn’t be talking like this.

“I’m not normal. I’m an anomaly.” I frown. I haven’t been able to explain how only Oracle and I can see Lucy. “It’s so hard to wrap my head around that I went from a somewhat normal human working at a diner with vivid nightmares to something in a compound with a potential mate and some friends that all claim to be supernatural.”

What you are is special. Just like Ettie. It was how she saved us as a child.