“Your body knows me, honey. Trust it.”

“You make it sound so easy,” she mutters, stepping back away from me.

I instantly miss her, but I let her go. Today is the first day we’ve had any real connection and I’m not going to push it—at least not yet.

“I know it’s not for you and that’s why you and I are going on a date tonight.”

“A date?” she asks, surprise in her voice as she looks up.

“Yeah. Sean is going to bring you home and you and I are having our first date.”

“We’ve never had a date? How did we get together?”

Shit. “We’ve never dated that you remember,” I stumble out, trying to cover that I inadvertently let the truth out.

“Oh, I guess that’s true.”

“It is and that’s why from this moment on, the past doesn’t exist. We’re going to date and I’m going to find a way to make you fall in love with me.”

“All over again…”

“Huh?” I ask as she catches me by surprise.

“You’re trying to make me fall in love with you all over again,” she responds. I smile because my throat is tight, and I feel like I will choke on the words. I hate fucking lying to her.

“I can’t either.”

I barely get the words out when she shocks the hell out of me. She leans up and kisses me gently on the cheek. It’s sweet as candy and I savor it. “I can’t wait for our date. Thank you for being so understanding,” she says. With each word, the color in her cheeks deepens. “I’ll see you at…home.”

She pauses before the word home and I can tell it’s hard for her to say, but she’s trying. She disappears behind the door to her doctor’s office and it’s hard as hell for me to let her go. I hate leaving her here. Unfortunately, I don’t have a choice. Leo and I are supposed to meet with Endy and Jacob.

“I’ll take care of her, man,” Sean says as if he’s reading my mind. He comes over to stand beside me and slaps me on the back while I stare at the door.

“Don’t leave her alone. Stay in the doctor’s waiting room with her and wait for her there. Okay?”

“You got it,” he says, then walks in the door that Grace just disappeared through.

I can feel this strange feeling come over me, almost like a sixth sense telling me I shouldn’t leave Grace. I almost call Leo to go without me but remember that Leo is so pissed at Endy and Jacob that if I’m not there to hold him back disaster will strike.

“Damn it,” I huff and stalk out of the hospital. I need to make Grace love me quickly.

I need our mating bond so I can protect her…



“You and Seven do realize I’m a grown woman, right?”

“Well, you’re going to be like my sister soon, so I’m trying not to notice that fact, but I’m sure…Wait. Did you say Seven?”

“Yes. He said that was his name. His surname anyway. It fits him better than Stark. I mean, that’s a strange name. You must admit that.”

Sean laughs and nods his head at the same time. “Trust me, I thought it was stupid the first time I heard it.”

“I wouldn’t call it stupid, just… different.”

“You can’t remember anything, but you like him, don’t you?”

“I guess I do. He’s sweet, funny, and considering everything he’s been patient and kind…”

“Now you’re making him sound like a pet dog,” Sean laughs.

“I am not.” I giggle because he’s right—I kind of am. I swat at him playfully. “I don’t think dogs are hot.”

“Gross. You think Stark is hot?”

“Well, duh. I’m pretty sure any girl breathing thinks that. Heck all of you guys look like you’ve walked off a runway for fashion magazines.”

“So, you’re saying I should move to Hollywood and become a model,” he jokes.

“I bet you could make a mint. You should try it.”

“Doubtful. I can barely sit through movies. I do like the one that Ettie told me about. Have you watched it? The Quiet Man. It’s really good.”

“If I have, I don’t remember. Of course, that seems to be normal for me. What’s it about?”

“A beautiful redhead named Mary Kate,” he sighs, and it makes me grin. He sounds like he’s in love.

“Miss Miller?”

I look up to see the receptionist staring at me. I stand and I don’t know why but my legs suddenly feel very shaky. Sean stands and walks with me. I frown at him, but he doesn’t pay me any attention.

“The doctor will see you now,” she says when we get there. “I’m afraid your husband will have to remain in the waiting area. The doctor likes his sessions to be one on one.”

“I’ll be going with her,” Sean interjects, sounding so stern that I look up in shock. He sounds like a completely different person.