Lucy waves me off. “The point is, you’re surrounded by supernatural creatures, and you refuse to see it.”

I stand frozen for a moment, staring at her. I’ve had a very long day and now she wants to bring something like this up.

Maybe this is a looney bin, and we are all just patients. The hit to my head could cause the visions which would put me in the same category, right?

“Supernatural creatures? You mean like witches?” I ask, skeptically. “A girl that I used to work with was heavy into that. She’d cast love spells and do voodoo or something. Things that people actually paid money for her to do. I thought she was nuts.”

Lucy’s lips curl in disgust. “Those vile creatures don’t deserve to be acknowledged in the same breath as us.”

“So, you’re supernatural?” I ask.

“I am,” Lucy nods confidently.

I can’t help the laugh that bubbles up. “Should I expect Dean and Sam to bust through here with rock salt then?”

Lucy looks at me confused. “I have no idea what you’re talking about or what salt has to do with anything I’ve said.”

“Never mind,” I grumble. She’s telling me she’s not human and gets confused when I talk about a television show. She’s starting to annoy me. “So, you want me to believe that you’re some otherworldly creature that lives among humans?” I ask, watching her idly braiding her hair. How is she so calm? I see nothing here to be calm about, yet she sits here completely unfazed.

“We prefer the term being—supernatural being to be exact.”

“You want me to believe you’re a supernatural being?”

“Didn’t I just say that?”

“Fine. Say I believe this story of yours—”

“You should as it’s true,” she counters.

“Okay, so you’re a supernatural creature creature—” I start again.

“Being,” Lucy chastises.

Rolling my eyes, I nod. “Supernatural being. Better?”


I sit on the bed suddenly feeling the full weight of the day on my shoulders as fatigue starts to set in. So much has happened. How am I even supposed to know what I’m feeling right now? I take a breath and start again.

“I take it that means everyone here is… special?”

“Now you’re getting it,” Lucy says nodding. I resist the urge to rub my throbbing temples.

“What does that make you?” I ask, frowning as Ettie walks in the door. I should have known what Oracle was doing.

“What do you mean?” Ettie asks.

“I was asking Lucy what she is, since she’s trying to convince me that everyone here is some time of supernatural creature…”

Lucy clears her throat.

“Being,” I pause, shooting a look a dirty look, making her laugh.

Ettie looks at me, thoroughly confused. “Are you feeling okay, Grace?”

I laugh bitterly. “Oh yeah, I’m doing great,” I tell her, sarcastically. “I just discovered that the man I was falling in love with is a liar and I’m living with a bunch of crazy people who may or may not be monsters.”

“I like you, Grace. I have since you got here, but if you say anything like that about my family again, I’m going to throat punch you until you can’t talk. That way I don’t have to hear such garbage again.”

Something in Ettie’s face conveys her seriousness as I stare at her wide-eyed.

“So, you mean to tell me it’s hogwash and you don’t believe Lucy and Oracle?” I ask.

“I don’t know who Lucy is, but the only monsters I’ve seen here have been Scar and closed minds,” Ettie says, flatly.

“Ettie, I like you, but you’re insinuating that I’m at fault here and you need to put yourself in my shoes. I just found out that Seven has been lying to me about everything!” I feel the painful lump form in my throat, knowing I’m close to breaking. I need to hold it together.

“I admit he has made mistakes.”

“That’s an understatement,” I laugh bitterly.

“But I know he didn’t do it to hurt you,” Ettie says softly.

“Well, he did,” I tell her as I feel tears prick my eyes. Damn it. I will not cry right now. Once I feel like I’ve blinked them away I continue. “You know, I had nightmares of Seven before I ever met him. I knew it was bad. The night I saw him at the diner, I ran to get away from him. I knew he was going to kill me. I just knew it!”

“Bullshit,” Lucy and Ettie say at the same time.

Ettie walks over, shoving my stuff out of the way and sits down on the bed next to me. “Seven would die before he would hurt you. He loves you.”

“He did hurt me though. He made me believe him. He made me….” I refuse to finish the sentence as I stare down at my hands.

“He made you what?” Lucy asks from the chair.

“Shut up,” I growl back.

“I didn’t say anything,” Ettie says.

“I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to Lucy,” I tell her.