“Do you have a medical kit?”


“Well, go get it.”

Cas chuckles. “Who knew a pretty girl bossing me around could get me so hard?”

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Your friend or lover or whatever the heck you all are to each other is lying here disfigured and bleeding, and you’re thinking about your penis?”

“Do you honestly want to make him feel better?”

“Of course I do.”

“Then get on your knees and suck his cock.”

Chapter 24


My head snaps back with the force of her open palm slap. “Wrong guy, love. Hitting is his thing, not mine.”

Usually, I’d bend over and make her scream my name, but I’m pissed. I don’t care so much about her hitting me. I like fucked up, rough sex, and that shit goes part and parcel with my way of life. What has me reeling is that she thinks I do this to him willingly. She had to pick a bad guy and assumed it was me. Well, if she wants a villain, I’ll gladly give her one.

She winces as I roughly grab her wrists and tug her to me. With my other hand, I tilt the blade of the knife to her neck. Her tits rise and fall rapidly, and her pupils dilate. “You’d look pretty with your neck slashed. I’m not into fucking a corpse, but I’ll make an exception for one as pretty as you.”

I push her back one step at a time, the blade pressing on her jugular. Letting her sense that I could slit her throat and bathe in her blood at any moment. I’d never do it, but I like the fear I sense from her. It’s a shot of adrenaline in my veins.

She’s wearing one of Lorne’s t-shirts. It’s too snug and a little too short on me, but on her, it falls mid-thigh. She shivers as I push up the hem, my hands moving up her leg to the apex of her thighs. “You’re wet, aren’t you, Sunshine? Your sweet cunt is dripping. Bet you’d even let me fuck you with the knife like a good girl.”

Her nipples perk and her legs part. I burst out laughing. “Sunshine, why don’t you be honest with yourself? You’re a good, pious girl who wants to be nothing more than my dirty little whore.”

“I don’t,” she pants.

My fingers slide between her slit and pinch her clit, making her moan. “One set of lips is lying while the others are begging to be forced into submission by my cock. Which should I listen to, Sunshine?”

“You disgust me. All this is deranged.”

She jerks as I ram two fingers into her cunt hole while using the blade to rip the shirt from the collar to the hem, exposing her giant tits and mouthwatering stomach. “So deranged, Sunshine. Too bad it’s depraved acts that make you so wet.”

Her hands aren’t pushing me away now. They’re on my shoulders, helping her maintain balance. I make a small incision at her navel before moving the knife up between her tits. I circle the tip of the blade along her nipple, and she parts her legs. “Sunshine, you like this, don’t you? You like the idea of me gutting you like a fish so long as your greedy cunt is full.”

“Please,” she begs.

“Please, what?”

“I need to cum.”

My lips turn up as I smirk at her. I remove my fingers from her pussy and step back.

Her confused eyes roam my face. “Why did you stop?”

The girl is driving me crazy. I want to bend her over and turn her into a twinkie, to consume her in every way. She’s become the essence in my veins, and I hate the idea of ever being without her. “Because I want to see you crawl and beg.”

“I’m not getting on my knees for you.”

I smile as I glide the blade stained with her blood on my tongue, my eyes not once leaving hers. She can pretend she doesn’t get off on this, but how her body reacts lets me know she’s lying. I’m just not sure if it’s to herself or me.

There is something perverse in making the pure depraved. A rush you get when you see something sweet longing to be dirty. “Not only will you get on your knees for me, Sunshine, but you’ll also beg to drown in my cum.”

“You’re sick. You’re all sick.”

“That may be, but you’re the one craving to be infected by the disease.”

She drops her head, shielding her eyes from me. In two steps, I’m in front of her, gripping her long black hair and yanking her head back. “Don’t do that. Don’t feel shame for something natural. I wave the knife toward Declan’s bruised and battered body on the bed. “I already deal with one fucker who can’t admit the truth. Whatever you do, Sunshine, don’t add to my burden. Because I don’t think I can take anymore.”