I don’t know what’s happened in the last two hours that’s made him do a complete one-eighty. He went from a melancholy asshole who sat up in his room playing metal versions of some Patsy Cline song on his guitar to pretending the moment in Declan’s room never happened.

“I’m glad you made it, brother.”

He pulls out a joint from his pocket and lights it, taking a long haul. His eyes fall on Declan, “There’s not much a good fuck, great music, a night ride on a motorcycle”—he holds up the joint—“and one of these bad boys can’t fix.”

“So you’re good,” I ask.

“What's there not to be good about?” Cas takes one more drag of his joint before putting it on the ground with his boot. “Now, let’s get in there and fuck some pussy.”

Declan stops in his tracks. “Is that why you brought me here? To go chase some tail?”

I walk past the groups huddled on the front porch and into the frat house. Body after body crowds the area. The place is a human sardine can. The smell of alcohol, sweat, cum, and female arousal hits my nostrils like a punch in the face. In every corner of the room, people are trying to get off.

“Not precisely!” I yell behind me to Declan. “We’re here to make sure no one touches our property.”

Cas pushes through the crowd, moving in front of me. “Wet pussy that I’m getting in tonight, one way or another.”

I sigh in frustration. Cas’s ego is going to get the better of him and fuck us all. “We’re not getting in her one way or another. We don’t fuck girls who say no.”

Cas grins at me, pulling out a little baggie of white dust from his pocket. “I’ve got party favors.”

“What the fuck is that?” I ask.

“Sleeping pills. Put a little in her drink. Fuck, she’d look so hot asleep. I mean, I wouldn’t put my dick in her cunt or anything, but I wouldn’t mind cumming on that sweet pussy and taking a few snapshots for the spank bank.”

“Let’s find her first.”

Cas doesn’t seem to hear me as he takes the steps two at a time.

“Why the fuck are you running upstairs? Cas, we don’t have time for this shit.”

Cas turns to me with the same rage-filled expression he had on campus the day we saw her with that little motherfucker. “I saw Peter take her upstairs. And she didn’t look like she could stand on her own two feet. That motherfucker gave her something.”

I don’t let Cas finish the sentence. I push past him and fly up the stairs. I hear Declan and Cas’s frantic footsteps behind me. Cas doesn’t need to worry about Peter because if he touches even a hair on her head, I’ll rip him apart, limb from limb. I warned that motherfucker not to go near her again, and I always follow through with my warnings.

Chapter 9


I’m not one of those people who sees beauty in the world. All I know is ugliness, pain, and sadness. I was born in hell. I was raised in fire. And I deal in retribution. But every day, I repent in the hope of salvation.

My life is about avoiding temptation. I’m a flawed man. I stumble daily. But as I gaze at the two people I love most in the world, I have a moment of peace before her voice echoes violently in my mind.

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

And that’s when it all crumbles into ash. I can no longer look at them as two people I love. All I see are serpents of hell tempting me into the world of sin. Not only am I disgusted with myself, but I'm also disgusted with them.

Some days I think they’d be better off if I left, and they’d never have to see me again. They could be happy, but I’m too selfish for that because they’re the only two people who’ve made me feel like I’m not the spawn of Satan and I’m worthy of love.

Lorne bursts into the room first. I’ve never seen him so out of control. He’s the one with the level head. He’s cool, calculated, and void of emotion. Well, that’s what people think when they don’t know him. Iceman. But he enters the room like he’s about to explode, and that’s a rarity. It’s a side you only see if he gives a fuck about you.

The Peter guy looks shocked. His eyes scan between the three of us and the door, trying to find an escape route. His hands are by his side, and his fingers twitch nervously.

“Get the fuck away from her,” Lorne growls.

Peter’s face is priceless. The guy looks like he’s been caught with his pants down. I suppose he would have been if we’d arrived ten minutes later. He raises his hands in the air, trying to feign innocence. “She was tired, man. I brought her up here so she could lie down. I swear I was going to leave.”