“Hopefully we’ll see you in the next round,” he says.

I give him a nod, but there’s no way I’m putting myself through this shit again. Besides, now that the Underground is over, I’ll start training for the professional circuit.

We finish up in the fighters’ room, and I head back out to the main warehouse. The majority of the crowd has disappeared, though all my boys are still here. More importantly, Charli stands front and center with the dog glued to her side, waiting anxiously to get her hands on me.

The moment I come through the door, she’s flying toward me. With barely enough time to brace myself, she’s airborne, and I throw my hands out just in time to catch her. Her arms wrap around me, her cast smacking me in the back of the head in the process, but I honestly don’t give a shit.

Her lips crash down on mine, and I welcome them like fucking oxygen, kissing her deeply. The boys all crowd around, ready to give their congratulations, but I’m not finished with my girl yet. She pulls back from me with a massive grin. “You were amazing.”

“Were you expecting anything different?” I question with a raised brow.

“Oh, yeah,” she teases. “I knew you could do it, but honestly, I could have fallen asleep waiting for the big finale.”

I can’t help but crack a grin at her smart mouth. “Yeah, well I was kind of expecting you to be at home, fast asleep.”

She arches a brow, looking at me as though I’m a fool for thinking she would have stayed at home with her horse. “You seriously thought I was going to miss this?”

“I was hoping,” I tell her.

Charli scrunches her face and shakes her head before pressing her lips into a hard line, a look of complete seriousness coming over her face. She leans forward and murmurs into my ear. “Thank you,” she says before pressing a gentle kiss to the side of my face.

I turn my face into hers and catch her soft lips in a kiss. “Always,” I promise.

Aaron grows tired of our display and steps forward. His arms come around Charli’s waist and he literally pulls her off me while she bursts into laughter with Zara. The second I’m free, the boys start up with their own versions of congratulations, which consists of back slaps and fist bumps, though I try my best to avoid those.

A few guys begin to lock up the warehouse, and we take the hint to get out of here. We all pile into different vehicles and eventually end up back at Micky’s for a night of wild celebrations.

Chapter 25


My life is ah-mazing. I swear I have it all.

I stand at Micky’s as a customer rather than the bartender, enjoying my night out. Zara stands by my side as Micky whips us up a few cocktails, though I had to sit through some extensive questioning first, like why the hell I was out partying rather than asleep in bed and taking care of myself. But he eventually let me off the hook.

We lean back against the bar, watching the boys get smashed, and I can’t stop thinking about how my life has completely turned around. Only a few short months ago, I was beaten and torn down, an empty version of myself. But here I am, now strong and confident with the most amazing man, who I can honestly say is the love of my life. Hell, I even own a house now, and apparently we’re going car shopping tomorrow.

I’m working toward my dream job and can happily say I now have a real friend. Well, I guess I have to include all the hockey boys in that equation. The moment they found out I was with Xander, I was welcomed into the family, despite Xander’s current status with them. I guess once a Dragon, always a Dragon.

That Dragons’ family also includes Cassie and Brianna, who are here tonight. And by the way, they are definitely letting loose on the dance floor.

Never in a million years would I have thought my life would turn out this way. I have everything I could ever have dreamed of, and it’s all thanks to Xander. I honestly have no idea how I will ever repay him for the way he’s managed to turn me into this new person. Or at least, the person I used to be back when my father was still around.

Micky hands us our drinks, and we’re halfway back to our table when a girl bumps in front of me with a nasty scowl. “Well, if it isn’t the little prude,” she says with a smirk.

“Oh, Lex. How great it is to see you,” I comment, though the sarcasm lacing my voice is pretty damn thick. I don’t need someone like her ruining my night.