Hooking my thumb into the waistband, I slowly drag them down my legs, giving Xander a perfect view at what he’s been missing for the last few days. A ferocious groan tears from his chest, and a wicked grin shoots across my face.

Hook. Line. Sinker.

My panties have barely grazed the tiles before I feel his warm hands on my ass, one of which is quickly making its way between my legs. I straighten up and my back presses against his wide chest, his soft breath brushing across my skin. He winds a hand around my waist then trails it up over my ribs before cupping my tit, his thumb roaming over my nipple, feeling it pebble beneath his touch.

I let out a moan as my head tips back to his shoulder, not realizing how desperately I’ve been craving his touch. Xander’s lips come down on my neck, sending electricity coursing through my body, heading straight for my core.

After turning in his arms, I start undressing him as his lips crash down on mine, claiming me just in case I’d forgotten that I belong whole heartedly to him. Clothes are tossed everywhere, and I’m pushed up against the wall of the shower, warm water streaming down around us as Xander buries that thick cock deep inside me.

He fucks me until I come, his fingers working my clit as his lips remain fused to mine. And only after my pussy shatters around his cock, does he do it all over again. All comments from the doctor about not getting my cast wet are completely forgotten, but desperate times call for desperate measures and if I have to get a new one, then so be it.

I’m barely finished getting dressed when I hear the sound of someone knocking at the door. Xander makes his way to the door as I drop down on the couch and not a moment later, a massive dog comes bolting through the house. He sniffs me out and jumps up beside me on the couch, his tail wagging as his tongue comes straight for my face.

“Hi, boy,” I say with a smile as I give him a scratch behind the ears. He tries to climb into my lap, but I have far too many injuries for that, which means Xander is yelling at him from the door, demanding that he get off the couch. The dog practically gives him a death stare, and if he could, I’m sure he’d be flipping him off too. I realize this is going to be a love-hate relationship between the two males in my life.

Xander thanks Cole at the door, and on his way to join me on the couch, he takes a detour past the kitchen to bring in lunch. I’m about to compliment Xander on his cooking abilities when I see the familiar take-out bags from Micky’s, and realize the old man must have popped over to check on me. Though considering we were in the shower since the second we got home and they weren’t here before . . . ahh shit.

The old man has been checking in on me at least four times a day, whether it’s a phone call or physically dropping everything to visit me. I have to admit, I kind of love it. Micky has taken over the role of a father figure in my life, and I couldn’t be happier with that outcome. Even though it reminds me of how much I miss my own father every time I see him.

The afternoon and night fly by, and before I know it, I find myself getting up to get ready for Xander’s fight.

“Uh, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Xander scolds as I pull on my jeans. Well, as I try to pull them on. It’s a little harder with only one hand. He lays back on the bed, legs crossed with one arm carelessly thrown behind his head as Beast lounges at the end, despite Xander telling him to get off a million times. Xander looks damn sexy in his dark jeans and leather jacket, but right now, his attitude has me overlooking it all.

I look at him in confusion, my brows furrowed. “I’m getting ready,” I clarify. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

“You’re not coming,” he scoffs from his position on the bed, looking at me as though I’ve lost my mind.

“Like hell I’m not,” I say, facing him front on and making sure he knows just how serious I am right now. Beast raises his head at the tone of my voice, clearly ready to back me up if need be.

“No,” Xander says, sitting up in bed. “You’re not.”

Fury takes over me in a flash. “I didn’t just go through hell and back for this stupid fight to have my stubborn-ass boyfriend tell me I can’t go right before the big ending. That’s like pulling out right before I come.”