My dad takes this opportunity to step in, followed by my mother right behind him. “What the ever-loving hell is going on over here? I came to see a damn wedding, and all I can see is a bunch of idiots screwing it up,” my father demands.

“Our birth mother just went into labor. We’re going to have a baby,” I tell them all elatedly, while also feeling like a complete douchebag. This is Zac’s big day, and here I am, spurting my news as his soon-to-be bride has only just made it down the aisle.

“Ohhh,” my mother starts sobbing as she pulls me into a hug, and then grabs Tank to bring him in on the action.

From then on, I can’t really recall who says what, but after five minutes, my father manages to pull everything back into order. “Right,” he says. “Get your shit together. We have a wedding to get through, so you two can get out of here.”

“What? You’re not staying for the reception?” Zac whines.

“Sorry, bro,” I cringe. “But nature calls.”

“Don’t worry,” MJ intervenes. “It will be fine. We’ll fly in tomorrow to meet your beautiful baby and we can tell you all about it. You need to be there for your child.”

“Thank you,” I smile, thinking I might just like her after all. “Now, let’s get you two idiots hitched.”


“Holy shit,” Tank mutters to himself for what must be the twentieth time.

I grab his hand and hold on tight as our private plane touches down. We had to run from the ceremony to the airport, only to find that every domestic flight from Denver to LA was full, so we did what any other newly expecting parents would have done and booked ourselves a private plane, while thanking the heavens that my husband is raking in cash.

We anxiously wait for the plane to come to a stop before we find ourselves rushing through the airport and trying to get out the front doors.

Tank decides I’m not keeping up well enough and grabs me around my waist, hoisting me over his shoulder, and taking off to his truck.

He throws me in the truck and demands I buckle up before slamming the door and bolting around to his side. The ignition is started and we’re peeling out of the airport parking lot within seconds.

“Calm down,” I tell him as he drives us to the hospital. “You’re going to freak poor Lily out.”

“Sorry,” he grunts as he pulls into a parking spot. “I can’t help it.”

“I know,” I laugh, jumping out of his truck and meeting him around the front. “Are you ready for this?”

A massive grin takes over his handsome face. “Fuck yeah.”

That’s enough for me. We take off inside, hand in hand, following the directions to the maternity ward. Soon enough, we’re ushered into the room with fifteen-year-old Lily, who is currently going through the worst pain of her life.

She clocks us the second we walk through the door. “Oh, you guys are here,” she smiles as a bead of sweat trickles down the side of her face. If she notices the matching tuxes, she doesn’t mention it.

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I tell her before coming right to her side and taking her hand. “How are you doing?”

“Not great,” she pants as another contraction comes on. “It hurts so bad.”

“I know, sweet girl, but you’re doing great so far. Not much longer to go,” I soothe her as I order Tank to grab her a damp washcloth. He brings it over, and I instantly press it to her forehead, doing everything we can to make this easier for her.

“Shit, you guys are going to be great parents,” she tells me, which has tears springing to my eyes.

“Thank you,” I whisper as Tank stands behind me and rests his hands on my shoulders.

“Is there anything you need?” he asks Lily, who’s preparing for another contraction. “Water? Ice chips?”

“Drugs?” she questions.

“Sorry, Lily,” the doctor says as he comes into the room. “You’re too far along now. It’s just about time to push.”

Her eyes widen as she looks at the doctor in fear. “Oh, shit,” she breathes as she latches onto my hand, squeezing so fucking tight I lose feeling in my fingers.

“You’ll be okay,” I soothe as the doctor moves around the room, preparing Lily for delivery.

A short ten minutes later, her legs are up in the stirrups, and the doctor is telling her to push. With Tank and I on either side, we watch as our beautiful baby is brought into the world.

Tears of joy stream down my face as the doctor places the most gorgeous child in my arms and I instantly fall in love, my world finally feeling complete for the first time in nearly three years. “Congratulations,” the doctor says with a proud smile. “It’s a girl.”