I’m led down to the cells and find Sophie behind bars, slumped on a bench with her arms crossed over her chest. She looks up the second I walk through the door, and her face instantly lights up, though there’s a huge difference from the last time I caught her in here.

A woman in the cell beside hers throws herself to her feet and flies toward the bars, latching on with both hands. I recognize her immediately, and a heavy scowl takes over my face. “Tank,” Crazy Jill sighs. “Thank you. I knew you would come for me.”

Sophie’s scoff from the next cell has my eyes flashing back to her. “Fucking delusional,” she mutters, making a smirk cross my face.

I walk up to her cell and she instantly gets to her feet and comes forward. I squeeze my arms through so she can fold into me the best she can. “Are you okay?” I ask as I check her over.

“Yeah,” she says. “I just want to get out of here.”


Sophie pulls out of my arms as the cop goes about unlocking the cell.

“What?” Jill shrieks as she bangs her hands against the bars. “What are you doing? Why are you helping her? You’re supposed to be here for me. It’s my turn, Tank. I love you.”

Jesus. When will this shit end with this woman?

Sophie turns to face her, but I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her. This is my fight, not Sophie’s, and I should have dealt with it myself rather than letting it fall on her like this. I walk up to the bars, directly in front of Jill, but make sure to keep my distance. The last thing I want is this crazy bitch reaching out and touching me.

I give her a venomous stare and enjoy it as she shrinks away from me. “There is no you and me, Jill. It’s all in your messed-up head. I don’t love you. In fact, I don’t even like you. I never have, and I certainly never will,” I tell her. “You need to back the fuck off. I can handle you harassing me, but now you’ve taken this shit too far. No one touches my wife and gets away with it. Do you fucking understand me?”

I watch as the color drains from her face, and she visibly swallows. She doesn’t say a word, so I push her further. “I asked you a question, Jillian,” I roar. “You’ve got three fucking seconds to answer it.”

She manages to pull her shit together and hastily nods her head.

I narrow my eyes on her further, just to make sure she’s got my point as a soft hand slips into mine, my wife appearing at my side. “Come on, let’s go home. It’s over now.”

I turn to Sophie and put my arm around her shoulder. “Okay,” I murmur, as I let her lead me out.

We leave Jill behind us, hopefully never to be seen or heard from again, and make our way back to the main part of the police station. I leave Sophie to grab her things when Detective Andrews approaches us.

Sophie instantly gives him a scowl that has him shrinking back, but it just manages to turn me the fuck on. “Ahh, could I see you both in my office?” he asks. “I have an update on the Baxter case.”

The scowl disappears from Sophie’s face as she practically runs and drags me into his office. He takes a seat behind his desk while Sophie and I make ourselves comfortable in the stiff chairs opposite his. “What did you find out?” Sophie questions, not skipping a beat.

“Wow, you don’t waste a second,” Andrews comments, and I’m glad she doesn’t. I’m all too aware of the fact I’m supposed to be on the ice right now.

“Don’t try to be cute. You’re still on my shit list. Just answer my question,” Sophie demands.

“Watch it, babe. The bastard might arrest you again,” I murmur.

“He wouldn’t fucking dare,” Sophie grunts as she fixes him with another fierce scowl.

I watch in amusement as Detective Andrews swallows and fixes his tie, before finally recovering enough to get to the reason why we’re here. “So, Sophie, the images you managed to recover from your cloud were enough to get us a search warrant, and while that didn’t bring up much, we were able to find Baxter’s connection with the two men who entered your home. Oliver Jensen and Blake Casey. Jensen was on his third strike and cracked during interrogation, providing us with a signed, full confession, so we have Baxter and his hired help on assault charges. There’s no way they won’t stick.”

Holy shit. That’s amazing. I look over at Sophie just as she does the same. The relief is evident on her beautiful face as she reaches out a hand and laces her fingers through mine. I squeeze her hand and she repeats the gesture, squeezing mine right back. “What about the dead CEOs?” she questions.