“Just great. You’re fucking cheating on my man,” Jill continues as she looks at Luke’s retreating form. “How much do you plan on hurting him? I can’t believe he’s so blind to this shit,” she says with a shake of her head.

“You’re fucking nuts,” I laugh. “Tank. Is. My. Husband. He married me. He made vows. He comes home every day to me. He is mine and will never ever will he be yours. So get the fuck over this crazy obsession you have with my husband and find one of your own because he’s not going anywhere. He’s not interested in a bat-shit crazy stalker like you,” I tell her. “Didn’t you get the hint with the restraining order?”

I watch as her face goes bright red and she clenches her jaw together. Jill’s hands turn into fists at her side, but I just don’t care. This woman spoke ill of my son, so she’s going to get every single one of my opinions thrown her way, and if she doesn’t shut her mouth, I’ll be throwing something a little more substantial at her.

“He’s going to leave you. He’s in love with me,” she yells.

“The day he leaves me would be the day he takes his final breath. I have done literally everything possible to fuck up my marriage, yet he still stands by me,” I tell her. “Is that not proof enough? He has had every chance to leave me, yet he doesn’t. You know why? Because he fucking loves me, and he shows me every day when he comes home and fucks me until my legs shake.”

Reaching her breaking point, she lets out an ear-shattering scream and runs full force into me, slamming us back into my car before we both fall to the ground. She comes down on top of me, and I try my best to push her off, my body still not completely recovered from the attack.

Jill holds on, and suddenly a dull, aching pain cuts through my forearm. My stare drops to my arms to find the bitch fucking biting me. Like what the actual fuck? Is she a fucking toddler? Who the hell bites someone in a fight?

Raging fury rocks through me, and I decide I’ve had enough. I don’t need to be shit-faced this time to start throwing punches. No one gets away with knocking me down in a public street, airing my dirty laundry, and fucking biting me for the world to see.

With my leg squarely between hers, I bring my knee up and nail her in the cooch, which is enough for her to release the death grip her teeth have on my arm. Jill lets out a roaring cry and with the distraction of her aching pussy, I’m able to push her off, but she keeps coming for me, sending a fist flying straight for my face.

I move away as quickly as I can, but I still get nailed in the shoulder, and I hear the distinct sound of people in the street starting to gather around. Some are calling for help while others are letting the world know there’s a catfight.

One thing I know for sure is that sooner or later, someone is going to break this shit up, and I refuse to let that happen before I finally have the chance to put this bitch in her place.

As she comes back toward me, I raise my leg and kick it out, smacking the bitch right in the tit and sending her flying back on her ass to the middle of the sidewalk. Not nearly done with her, I scramble up and leap toward her before straddling her waist and letting every bit of my weight come down on top of her. Rearing my arm back, I let my fist fly free. It shoots straight and connects hard against her jaw with a devastating blow. I give her a second and then a third for good measure.

One for me. One for Tank. And one for my son.

“This is your last fucking warning,” I tell her. “Tank is not interested in a delusional twat like you. Leave him the fuck alone. Stop harassing him at training. Stop calling him. Stop messaging him. Stop breaking into our home. Stop fucking stalking him everywhere he goes because I swear to you, if you don’t, I will fuck you up.”

Her eyes open wide, and I see the very moment she understands just how serious I am. Jill doesn’t agree, but at least I get the feeling she might back off a bit. For now.

Leaning down, I press my weight against hers as I use her body as a crutch to get to my feet. There are cheers coming from the men standing by, and I cringe as I notice that a few of the people have been recording the whole thing. Great. Just my fucking luck.