I make my way back to the office and give Dani a quick call, letting her know all about my little project. Soon enough, I find myself back behind my desk, searching for new and improved spyware and bugs that I could use in my new investigative techniques.

By the afternoon, I stumble in through my front door and dump my bag right next to Tank’s. I make my way down into the living room and instantly collapse into his lap. “Holy shit, I’m exhausted,” I say as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his body so I can lay back.

“Big first day back?” he asks.

“You can say that,” I grunt. “I’ve already got three ongoing investigations.”

“Three?” he questions. “You never work on more than one at a time.”

“I know,” I sigh. “But I’m playing by your rules now and only taking the easy ones. The first one’s basically done. I just have to put the article together. The other two will be finished by the end of the week. Besides, after taking so much time off, my inbox is crawling with new leads.”

His dark eyes narrow on me for a moment before he finally speaks up. “So, how are you solving the cases so quickly?” he questions in a strange, knowing tone.

A grin cuts across my face. “That’s for me to know and for you to never find out.”

“Really now?”

“Mmhmm,” I murmur as I adjust myself on his lap so I can face him properly.

He grins back at me with a sparkle in those sexy eyes. “Interesting.”

I narrow my stare on him, his tone suspicious as hell. “What’s interesting?” I question as his fingers come up and push a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

“Well, I got a call from the bank today. They informed me that they thought someone was fraudulently using our account to buy a shitload of spyware.”

“Really?” I question, feeling like a fucking queen as I somehow manage to keep a straight face. “That is interesting.”

Tank rolls his eyes as he pulls me in close to his chest. “Just be careful with that shit,” he tells me. “I don’t want you getting in trouble with it.”

“I will,” I say, leaning in and pressing a comforting kiss to his lips before resting my head on his shoulder. His hand starts rubbing up and down the length of my back as he turns the TV to ESPN and finds a game. He turns the volume down, and I soon find myself falling into a deep, well-needed sleep.

Chapter 19


I sit among our closest friends after a beautiful memorial that Sophie and I held for our son. Both our families managed to make the trip here from Denver, which was great. Sophie really needed her mom by her side today. Unfortunately, they’ve all had to head back home, but it was still great seeing them.

After the service, everyone headed back to our place where I surprised Sophie with a plaque with our son’s name and conception date on it. I purposefully left off the day he was taken from us. I’m not sure that reminder would have been good for Soph, especially after the day she’s had.

Most of the guys from the team have come and gone, leaving just the few closer ones and of course, Dani and Miller are never far away. We all sit in our living room, and the girls have hit the liquor hard, while the rest of us hockey guys are taking it easy, seeing as though we’re in training.

“Remember when Sophie came busting into the locker room after that game and burst into tears,” Cameron smirks as he looks at Sophie.

She grabs a potato chip from the bowl in the center of the coffee table and launches it across the room at him. “Shut up,” she grins. “I was hormonal. I couldn’t help it.”

“You think that’s bad,” Dani says as she throws back another shot. “I had to be the one to massage her boobs when they were hurting.”

“Doesn’t sound so bad to me,” I murmur with a grin.

“Really?” Dani questions. “I’m sure you’d absolutely love it when she’s sobbing and throwing up all over you at the same time?”

I can’t help but cringe as I look to my wife for confirmation. “Surely that didn’t happen?” I question.

Sophie gives me a guilty, embarrassed smile as the rest of the guys crack up into howling laughter. “That morning sickness really is a bitch,” she tells me.

“I second that,” Dani pipes up.

“Whatever,” Miller grunts to his wife. “You didn’t have it that bad.”

“Are you kidding me?” Dani shrieks, her brows practically flying through the ceiling.

“Yeah, you threw up a few times. That’s it.”

Dani’s jaw drops to the ground as she stares at her husband in shocked silence, making the rest of us worry that she’s about to explode. Thankfully, it never comes because Sophie is quick to defend her best friend. “What would you stupid boys know anyway? Apart from sex, your bodies are practically useless. We have to suffer through ovulation, period pains, and nine months of pregnancy, only to then destroy our bodies by pushing a fucking watermelon through our vaginas. And just when you think the hard work is over and you can finally enjoy your little creation, we’re used as a tiny human’s personal feed bag.”