“Bullshit,” he scoffs. “That kid loved it.”

“He’s nearly one, of course he loved it. But Mia is barely out of the newborn stage. So something tells me that’s not going to go down in the same way,” I inform him. “Besides, I’m pretty sure Dani will castrate you if you even think about it.”

He scoffs, though the sparkle in his eyes suggests he’s more than prepared to face Dani’s wrath if it makes Mia happy. “It’s not Dani I have to worry about,’ he tells me. “Miller will put me in the ground if anything happens to that baby on my watch.”

“Oh, I know he would,” I laugh.

Tank smirks and I roll my eyes before the words have even come out, knowing that whatever it is it’s bound to be something ridiculous. “Let him come for me,” Tank laughs. “He couldn’t touch me even if he tried.”

I groan, shaking my head as Tank’s eyes soften, his fingers trailing up my body and to my chin, raising it enough to capture my stare. “Were you serious about going out for dinner?”

“Yeah,” I say. “I could really go for one of Micky’s burgers.”

“Sure, I’ll just fly back to Denver and get right on that,” he teases.

“There’s no need to be a smartass,” I sulk as my stomach starts to grumble, clearly enamored by the thought of the oily goodness of one of Micky’s burgers. God, I haven’t had one in so long.

“Yeah, there is,” Tank deadpans. “Now, as much as I hate to say this, go get dressed. I can’t take you out naked. Others will stare, and I don’t like people seeing what’s mine.”

“You sure seemed to like it those few times in college,” I remind him.

“That was different,” he grunts as he starts scooting me forward so I can get up and move. “I did that for you. And besides, you weren’t my wife then, and you sure as fuck weren’t carrying my child.”

I get to my feet and turn to face him, a wide smirk stretching across my lips, remembering those few crazy experiences in college. We were sex-crazed and wild back then. Don’t get me wrong, we’re still both of those things, but now we’ve grown up. “It was fun though.”

Tank rolls his eyes and a grin slowly makes its way across his face. No matter how much he denies it, he liked it just as much as I did. “Go,” he demands.

I turn and make my way down the hallway, giving my hips an extra sway. I look back over my shoulder to see him watching me walk away, his eyes darkening with hunger. “I’m ready for round two, if you are,” I tell him with a wink.

“Get dressed, Sophie,” he tells me, a clear warning in his tone. It would only take the slightest push to get him to cave to my will and take me on the kitchen floor. But I also know that when he heard my stomach rumbling, his only priority was to feed me.

“Love you,” I call out, giving in and being a good girl. I mean, there’s only so far I can push this caveman before he snaps. And goddamn, when this man snaps, it’s one of the most exhilarating things I’ve ever seen. An angry Tank is sexy as fuck, and when he needs to work it out of his system, good Lord, I see stars.

“Damn straight you do,” Tank calls back to me, his voice softening, pleased to find me behaving.

I emerge ten minutes later, dressed and ready for a great night out with my man. “Where are you taking me?”

Tanks brows furrow and he looks at me like I’ve just asked to peg him with a cactus. “To the burger joint down the road,” he says slowly, suddenly unsure of himself.

“What?” I groan with a heavy sigh. “I don’t want to go there.”

“What do you mean you don’t wanna go there?” he questions. “You just said that you wanted a burger.”

“No, I said I wanted one of Micky’s burgers. You can’t just replace one of Micky’s burgers with some cheap shit from down the road. It’s not the same.”

Tank’s face falls and he gives me a hard stare. “Are you shitting me?”

“No,” I say, mustering up as much attitude as I possibly can. “I’m not shitting you. I’m serious.”

He groans and strides toward me, grabbing my hips and pulling me into him, waiting until I meet his eyes. “Then what do you want?”

I cringe, knowing exactly how he is going to react. “I . . . uhh . . . don’t know,” I tell him. “You decide.”

“For fuck’s sake,” he groans, looking at me like I’ve grown another head. “Get that fine ass of yours in my truck. We’ll figure it out on the way.”

With a grin, I grab my bag off the counter and follow him to the door, stopping as I pass by him. I push up onto my tippy-toes and give him a soft kiss. “You’re going to be a great daddy,” I tell him before sashaying off toward his truck, as happy as a pig rolling in his own shit.