Chapter 8


I’m busy searching through all the dead guys’ Facebook pages and social media accounts when the buzzer for the front gate sounds through the house, and I glance at the time. My brows furrow. It’s only been an hour since I spoke with Dani. Is she really struggling that much with Mia today?

Letting out a sigh, I lean across the desk as best I can, trying to reach the button for the gate, but my bump just won’t let me bend the same way I used to. Groaning with frustration, I search my desk and spot a ruler, determined to do this without having to get up.

Stretching out again with the ruler, I easily press the button and feel as though I’ve accomplished some kind of miracle. I’m such a fucking genius. A brilliant, lazy, fucking genius.

A moment later, there’s a knock at the door and I groan to myself. Seriously? Can’t she just walk in like she usually does? I ignore her and get back to searching Facebook, knowing she’ll eventually just let herself in, when the knock sounds again.

Damn it.

I huff in frustration and get to my swollen feet. She better have her hands full, making it physically impossible to open the door. And by hands full, I definitely mean she better have snacks. At this point in my pregnancy, I only get off my ass if it’s extremely important, when food is involved, or if the baby is squishing my bladder and I’m about to wet my pants.

I fling the door open with a little more force than necessary and start digging into Dani before the door has fully opened. “Are you kidding me right now?” I scold as I take in the people on the other side of the door, before quickly cutting myself off.

My eyes widen in shock.

What the hell is he doing here?

A very disgruntled and annoyed Christian Baxter stands at my door with two extremely imposing men. Bodyguards? Hired muscle? I don’t know, but they don’t look friendly.

Christian immediately steps into my home with his two beef heads following behind and I take a hesitant step away as one of the guys closes the door behind him, then flicks the lock.

I swallow hard, realizing this is not going to be a friendly visit.

“It’s very unfortunate that we must meet again like this, Sophie,” Christian starts as he looks me over, before welcoming himself deeper into my home.

The shock wears off, and I quickly hurry after him. “Excuse me? What do you think you’re doing?” I ask as he gingerly takes a seat on my couch.

“Please,” he says, sweeping his arm out toward the opposite seat. “Make yourself comfortable.”

“No, thank you,” I say, my voice thick with sarcasm. “What are you doing, coming uninvited into my home?” I ask calmly as I cross my arms over my chest and pull my bitch face into position.

He looks up at me as he throws his arm casually over the back of my couch. “You think I wouldn’t realize what you were up to?” he asks. “I figured it out the second you told me who you were.”

“I haven’t a clue what you are talking about. I told you exactly what I was doing by coming to your office. In fact, your article was finished yesterday. It was approved and sent to print, so you have no reason to be here.”

Christian lets out an irritated scoff. “You think I’m here because of some bullshit fluff piece? I thought you were smarter than that.”

I give him an impatient stare, daring him to get on with it.

“When Sophie Meyers shows up at your office, you know she’s digging for something. For Sophie Meyers to show up at your office two days in a row, then the bitch thinks she’s found a story,” Christian informs me, narrowing his eyes on mine. “You know, I was going to let it go until Aimee’s planner went missing. You see, she doesn’t misplace things. I make sure of it. So, I looked up our surveillance footage, and you wouldn’t believe what I saw, or in fact, who I saw stealing her planner. And it got me wondering about the suspicious timing of the evacuation. So I rewound the footage just a little further, and to my surprise, there’s Sophie Meyers impersonating my PA and breaking into my office to steal private and confidential documents.”

I swallow back a lump in my throat. Shit. He’s clearly not thrilled about the fact that I’m onto him. Though I’m sure that’s because he knows I never fail. “It could have been anyone,” I say, as his muscle men both start creeping forward.

My eyes flick between them, anxiety and fear pounding through my body, my heart racing with unease. He knows I know, and now he needs to tie up loose ends.