
With that, I duck out of the office and make my way back out to Tank’s truck. “All good?” he asks as I climb in.

A wicked grin cuts across my face, once again reminding myself that I’m the baddest mastermind in town. “All good.”

The next day, after sending Tank on his way to his meeting with Coach Larsden, I hole up in my home office with Aimee’s planner until I have memorized every last detail of Christian Baxter’s whereabouts for the days surrounding the murders.

Honestly, it’s more work than I thought it was going to be. It’s not like Kill Marco Cincinnati in a brothel is written in red capital letters in her planner.

Though, I do find out that at the time of each death, Christian Baxter has no alibi. Well, at least according to this planner he didn’t. I’ve also worked out that the appointments surrounding the times of the deaths have all had him smack bang in the center of the city, giving him plenty of time to do away with his competition and return to his office or home without anyone noticing his absence.

Damn. If I didn’t love writing so much, I could have been a detective. I’d be nailing bastards all over the country and putting their scum-asses in prison.

At precisely eleven in the morning, my stomach starts rumbling, and I look down at my swollen stomach. “Dude, I just ate like an hour ago. You’re already hungry?”

I know he can’t respond. Well, actually he will in his own way. He’ll probably start kicking me in the ribs the moment I eat, letting me know just how much he appreciates the yummy goodness I’m filling my body with.

I always found it strange when women talked to their unborn children as though he or she can hear them from inside, and maybe they can. Either way, they literally look like they’ve gone bat-shit crazy, and trust me, I let Dani know it every time she did. Now that I’m experiencing pregnancy firsthand, it feels right. Like communicating with my baby is the most natural thing in the world.

I guess that’s just one more thing Dani gets to say I told you so about.

Getting up, I head into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich, when I begin thinking about Tank’s meeting today. I wonder if he’s had it already. He would have likely called me right after to tell me the good news if the meeting was over. And no doubt, there will be good news. Otherwise, I’m going to have to go down there and bang some heads together. If Coach Larsden does my husband dirty, there’ll be hell to pay.

I place my sandwich delicately on a plate as if I’m about to deliver the bastard to the king and make my way back into my office. I sit down and annihilate it while I stalk all of Baxter’s personal social media pages, hoping to find something that could actually tie him to any of this bullshit. After all, the planner was great and shows he doesn’t have an alibi, but it still doesn’t prove he actually did it.

By the time I push away my empty plate, I let out a long sigh of frustration. I really should have made two of them, maybe three. I consider getting back up when my phone rings.

I grin at the caller ID.

“Hey, bitch. What’s up?”

“Don’t call me that. You’re on speaker and Mia is listening. I don’t want her growing up with a potty mouth like yours,” Dani says.

“Oh, please,” I scoff. “Mia would be lucky to have a mouth like mine. Besides it’s a cutthroat world out there, maybe a little cuss word here and there would do her good.”

I can practically hear her rolling her eyes. “Whatever,” Dani groans. “Can we come over? Mia really needs to get out of the house.”

“Yeah, but can you give me a few hours? I’m in the middle of some research. I’m going to crack this one soon. I can feel it.”

“Okay, sure. I’ll head out and do the groceries first, then come your way.”

“Excellent,” I say and am about to hang up when a thought occurs to me. “Have you heard from Miller? Have they had their meeting yet?”

“No. It’s at one, so they’re still training. Don’t stress,” she says in a soothing tone, knowing just how anxious I’ve been over this. “He’ll get it.”

“I know he will,” I say as confident as ever, though that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve been nervous for him all day. God, I’d like to be a fly on the wall during that meeting. “I’m just excited.”

“I know. We’ll see you soon,” she laughs.

“Okay, bye.”

I end the call and instantly head back into the kitchen. I know Dani will want to have a late lunch when she comes over, but that’s still another few hours away. I’m definitely going to need another sandwich if I’m going to survive that long.