As usual, I get carried away when I’m writing, so I practically jump right out of my seat when a knock sounds at my office door. I look up to find the world’s largest man looming in my doorway, looking as sexy as ever. “Are you ready to go?” he asks with a smirk.

Shit. Where did the last half an hour go?

I hit print on the article and rush around my office, collecting all my crap. “Sure am,” I beam as I pick up the paper from the printer.

Tank makes his way inside and quickly looks over my corkboard. “He’s a real fucking scumbag,” he comments, taking my hand and leading me out the door.

“How was training?” I ask, pressing the button for the parking lot as we step into the elevator.

“Good,” he says, pressing me into the wall of the elevator and kissing me deeply. His hands travel down my body and cup me between my legs. “I love it when you dress for the office,” he murmurs.

“There’s cameras in here,” I remind him with a gasp. Honestly, it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve been sprung in this thing.

“Damn it,” he grunts, pulling away and leaving me desperate for more.

The elevator opens and he takes me by the hand as he leads me toward his truck. He helps me up into it like a gentleman, kisses my temple while his hand caresses my stomach, and then finally closes the door, leaving me pining for him as he makes his way around to the driver’s side.

Fuck, I love this man.

Tank takes me on our lunch date and all too soon, the bill is paid, and we’re getting back in his truck. “Are you heading back to the office?” he asks.

“Um . . . I don’t really need to. I have everything with me if you wanted to take me to Baxter Corporation. I’ll be like, five minutes, and then we can go home.”

“You don’t need your car?” he questions.

“Nah, I’ll work from home tomorrow.”

“Okay. I was going to hit the gym, but I can use the one at home.”

Oh, shit. Just the thought of him getting all hot and sweaty seems to do the same thing to me. My eyes become hooded as I look over at him, wondering just what kind of workout he has planned. After all, if it’s hot and sweaty that he wants, I could certainly help with that. “Can I watch?”

He rolls his eyes, but I see the enjoyment in his satisfied smirk. I know without a doubt that I’ll end up bent over his gym equipment at some point this afternoon.

It’s a short drive to Baxter Corporation and after Tank pulls up out front, I hop out of his truck with a promise to be back as soon as possible. “If you’re not back in five minutes, I’m coming to get you,” he warns.

I give him a salute. “Yes, sir,” I grin before disappearing into the massive skyscraper.

I head straight for the elevator, ignoring the disgruntled receptionist in the lobby, and hit the up button. Once again, I’m in awe of this incredible building, and find myself wondering just how much something like this would have cost to build. The elevator arrives with a ding, and I wait patiently for the doors to open before stepping in.

It takes no time for the elevator to shoot through the sky and chime my arrival at level 38, and as I push through the heavy glass door, I’m faced with a smiling Aimee, ready and waiting to greet anyone who graces her boss’ office.

“Sophie, right?” she questions as she raises from her desk.

“Yes, that’s right,” I smile. “Sorry to just drop in like this. My husband surprised me with lunch in the area, so I thought I’d pop in while I was close.”

“Oh, no problem. How can I help you?”

I reach into my bag and pull out the mock article on Christian Baxter’s Sexiest Bachelor nomination and hand it over. “I’ve finished the draft article. I was hoping Mr. Baxter could give it the okay so I can send it to print.”

“Oh, sure,” she says. “I’ll get him to check it over now. Would you care for a seat?” she says, indicating to the one I had faked my baby pains on yesterday.

“Thank you,” I say with a polite smile.

The moment she turns her back, I make my move. Just as I thought, the planner sits right on her messy desk, and I quickly slip it into my bag before taking a seat on the couch.

Moments later, Aimee returns and hands me the draft article. “He was pleasantly surprised. You are quite the writer.”

I give her a beaming smile. Despite who her boss is, a compliment for my writing never goes astray. “Thank you. I’ll send it off to my editor and be sure to send you a copy of the magazine with his article in print.”