Sophie cries out and reaches down, pressing her fingers to her clit, and as she begins to convulse, so do I. I push in once more and come hard.

And when we’ve caught our breath, I leave the bed to discard the condom and get a warm, wet cloth for Sophie.

I clean her up myself as she lies there, completely unabashedly, and watches me.

“That was fun,” she decides.

“Just fun?”

I toss the cloth aside and pull her under the covers with me. I don’t give a flying fuck that it’s the middle of the day.

“A lot of fun. And I think it’s safe to say that the hangover is gone. It’s amazing what approximately four orgasms will do for you.”

I grin and kiss the tip of her nose. “Four? I only counted three.”

“There were four. I came while I was going down on you.”

I stare at her for a full five seconds, and then I can’t help but laugh.

“Wow. That’s hot as hell.”

“So, I guess this means that we’re getting married.”

I pause, but the idea doesn’t actually fill me with dread the way that it usually would. But before I can respond, she busts up laughing.

“I’m kidding. I was going to play the whole, we had sex, so now we have to get married routine, just for fun, but I couldn’t pull it off.”

I sigh and kiss her forehead. “So, you’re not going to make an honest man out of me?”

She just giggles again and wraps her arm around my belly. “I like your sense of humor. I mean, your lovely abs are great, and I love how strong you are because you just toss me around like I weigh nothing, but the sense of humor is the sexiest part about you.”


“Yeah. It’s hot that you don’t take yourself too seriously all the time. Just with sex, it seems. And I know that I’m babbling now, and probably saying way too much, but I have to just tell you that the whole assertive alpha male thing you have going on when it comes to sex is just…wow.”

“I have that going on?”

She raises a head and stares at me. “You don’t know it?”

“I don’t think it’s ever really occurred to me. I told you before, I just am who I am, sweetheart.”

“And that’s why it’s hot.”

It’s been a week. One week of going about our lives, working, working out, both together and separately, and spending all of our spare time together.

One week of the best sex of my fucking life.

I can hear Sophie in her shower, talking to herself. It seems she does that a lot, whether she’s in the shower, cooking, working out, you name it. She even talks in her sleep, which I find completely adorable.

It seems that everything she does is adorable.

I can’t get enough of her.

And thankfully, it doesn’t seem that she’s sick of me yet, either.

I walk into her closet and pull on the clothes that I’ve stashed there. It’s only been one week, but we’ve each thrown a few necessities, including a change of clothes, in the other’s home. It just makes sense because we never know for sure where we’re going to end up for the night.

And she doesn’t know it yet, but I’ll eventually get her to move in with me.

Yes, it’s fast, but I don’t give a rat’s ass. I’m completely smitten with her, and I want her with me all the time.

But for now, this works for us.

Sophie walks into the closet wearing her pink robe, and her hair is up in a matching pink towel.

“Hi there.” I move in on her and open the sash of her robe, letting my hands glide around to cup her bare ass. “Let’s go back to bed.”

“I can’t.” She laughs and bites my chin, then brushes her naked breasts against me. “As much as I’d love to, I have to get ready for work. And you do, too.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I sigh and step back as she starts to pull on clothes. It looks like today’s outfit is a pair of purple leggings, a white T-shirt, and a black jacket thing. “You must be filming today.”

“We are. What are you up to?”

“I have to meet with my agent to go over the contract I’ve been offered, and then I’ll work out with some of the guys. I need to go through some throwing exercises and start getting my shoulder back in the game.”

“You’ve been offered a contract? From Seattle?”

“Yeah. I don’t know the specifics yet, so keep your fingers crossed that it doesn’t suck.”

“It’s not going to suck.” She finishes tying an Air Jordan, then crosses to me and cups my face in her hands, kissing me. “It’s going to be awesome. Only positive vibes, Ike.”

I grin down at her. “You’re a very good motivational coach.”

“I know.” She smiles back at me, then walks into the bedroom where her makeup station is. “Hey, I want to ask you something. How would you feel about attending my cousin’s wedding with me? Liv and Vaughn are getting married in two weeks, and I want you to be my date.”