“Come on, baby. Let’s get you feeling better.”

Ike pulls me onto my back, and with my eyes still firmly closed, I manage to sit up and lean against Ike’s headboard, then sigh when he presses a mug of hot coffee into my hands.

“I really should drink a green smoothie first,” I mutter, but take a sip of the coffee and sigh. “But this is so good. Tastes like heaven. Thank you.”

“I don’t have any green smoothies on hand,” he replies. I feel him push his hands into my hair, brush it back over my shoulder, and some of the tension eases out of my shoulders. “But I can make you some eggs if you want.”

I sigh and risk opening one eye. He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, watching me with those eyes that I constantly seem to lose myself in. So kind. So sweet.

And so freaking sexy.

Of course, it would be my luck that instead of being sexy and alluring, seducing him with my charm, I called him while I was drunk off my ass and pretty much made him come get me and then proceeded to act like a complete idiot.

Then, I fell asleep—thank the baby Jesus and all the baby apostles that I didn’t throw up—and neither of us actually got any of the sex.

So, he had to take care of an obnoxiously intoxicated woman and didn’t get any of the benefits.

“I’ll be out of your hair soon,” I say, still trying to be quiet so I don’t do permanent damage to my brain. “I’m really sorry about last night.”

“I didn’t say anything about you being in my hair,” he replies, but I just take another gulp of coffee, willing it to kick in quickly.

“I can walk back to Aunt Nat’s house to get my car.”

“Why would you do that?”

I try to shrug, but that’s a bad idea. “Damn, how much did I drink?”

“A lot.” He brushes his fingers down my cheek. “You drank a lot.”

“It didn’t feel like it,” I admit and rub my hands over my eyes. Jesus, I’m still wearing my makeup. I can only imagine how awful I must look. “I guess it’s true what they say. Time flies when you’re having fun. They just need to add that you lose track of how much you’re drinking.”

“You were having a good time with people you trust. Nothing wrong with that.”

I look at him now and try to offer a smile. “Thanks for everything. I’m sure it wasn’t much fun for you.”

“Actually, it was damn entertaining. Much more than it would have been to watch Rogers and Malloney play air hockey.”

“You were with your friends?” I stare at him in horror. “Of course, you were. You have a life, too. You don’t just wait around for me. Shit, I’m sorry, Ike. I’ll grab my stuff and leave you be.”

“Whoa.” He catches my elbow when I move to get out of bed. “Did I ever give you the impression that I’m irritated or angry by the situation?”

“No, I just feel so awful. And I must look horrible, and I’m just so damn embarrassed.”

I drop my face into my hands and wish the bed would open up and swallow me whole.

“Okay, first things first. We’re going to make you feel better. I think a nice, hot shower will help, and here’s some ibuprofen to help take care of the headache that the coffee didn’t get rid of.”

“I can go home—”

“Stop.” And just like that, last night comes back into focus, and I remember him using that same tone with me. The tone that says, I’m in charge here, and you’ll fucking mind me.

Not in a parental way.

In an alpha male way.

And I’ll be damned if it’s not the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. I’ve never been one to enjoy following orders. I’m a Montgomery, after all. But for Ike? Yeah, I think I want to follow some orders.

“You’re going to take a shower and get comfortable, then we’ll talk.”


I want to ask questions. Like, how does a guy who seems so laid-back and who is so incredibly kind and funny, also have this side to him?

And is it just with me, or is it all the time?

But he’s right. First, I need a shower. My face feels awful with last night’s makeup, and the hot water will help clear the cobwebs.

I follow him into his beautiful bathroom and stand aside as he gets the water going for me, and before he leaves the room, he pulls me in for a big hug. I cuddle up against his hard chest, and he brushes his hands up and down my back, which just feels so good.

After a long moment, when the water begins to steam up the room, he kisses the top of my head.

“Get in, and I’ll set some clean clothes on the counter for you. They’ll be too big, but they’ll be clean.”