“How many dates have you been on?” Liv wants to know.


They all look at each other and then at me.

“Call him. Call him right now.”

I laugh, despite wanting to do just that. “First, I want to enjoy this party with you guys. We’ll eat, drink, and make wedding gowns out of toilet paper.”

“Liv doesn’t get to play that one,” Abby says, speaking up for the first time. “She’s a seamstress for a living. She’ll win.”

“She’s the mannequin,” Stella announces. “Come on and grab a roll of Charmin.”

Chapter 6


“Coach Mac wants to see you, man.”

Rogers leans into the locker room, delivers the message, and then pops out again. We’re at the training center today, going over some theory, watching film from last year, and just keeping our heads in the game.

The off-season isn’t always easy. It’s sometimes a challenge to make sure you don’t get out of shape and to make sure that you stay on the same page as your teammates.

The majority of us choose to live and stay in Seattle so we can work out together and meet like this regularly. Not all teams do, but this is how we run our team, and I’m grateful.

Besides, I’m never going back to Oklahoma. Not if I can help it.

I grab my bag out of my locker and walk down the hall to where Coach keeps his office. He could have a fancy office somewhere else, but he likes to be close to the team.

“You wanted to see me, Coach?”

“Hey, Ike.” He shuffles some papers on his desk, then gestures to the seat across from him. “Why don’t you close the door.”

“Uh, sure.” I do as he asks and then sit across from him. “Why do I feel like I’ve been sent to the principal’s office?”

He sighs, swears under his breath, and looks generally irritated. He’s a big man with broad shoulders and meaty hands, and he’s old enough to be my father. And today, his jaw is set, and the lines on his face seem to be more pronounced than usual.

Yeah, Coach is pissed off.

“Look, I’m going to start by saying that I don’t give a rat’s ass what you do when you’re not on the job with me. I couldn’t care less.”

I narrow my eyes. “Okay.”

He blows out another breath. “Are you seeing Will Montgomery’s niece? I think her name’s Sophie?”

“Why do you ask?” I don’t mean to sound defensive, but this is a ridiculous question. On second thought, yeah. I’m defensive.

“Like I said, I don’t care. Go out and fuck everyone if you want to, as long as it’s consensual and you don’t get fucking sued for it. But I’ve been instructed to ask you, which is also a bunch of BS, if you’re having an affair with Sophie Montgomery.”

“I’ve been on exactly two dates with her,” I reply stiffly. “And I plan to continue seeing her.”

He nods, and his face looks grave, the way it does when he knows we’re going to lose a game.

“That’s what I figured.”

“What’s the problem, Coach?”

“I don’t know the whole story here. It sounds like someone took a picture of you with Sophie yesterday, and it’s in the media.”

“Okay. I’m high profile, and she’s the same, so that doesn’t really surprise me.”

“Apparently, Florence isn’t too fond of the Montgomery family right now.”

I lean forward. “Coach, Will works with us a lot. He’s been a part of this organization in one form or another for decades.”

“I know.” He holds up his hands. “I know all too well. There’s been a lawsuit against Florence filed by another of Will’s nieces, a Stella McKenna, and some bad press in general. Florence wants to distance us from that whole family, and she wasn’t pleased at all when she saw the photo of you with Sophie.”

“Too fucking bad.”

Coach nods gravely. “I figured that would be your response. Hell, it would be mine, too. No one can dictate who you see in your private life, Ike. Not even Florence.”

“Then why are we having this conversation?”

“Because you’re about to go back to negotiations for your contract,” he says easily. “And if that bitch decides to make life hard on you out of spite, she certainly can. Now, I won’t let her trade you without putting up one hell of a fight. You’re the best quarterback I’ve seen on this field since Will was here himself, and that’s saying a lot.”

“I appreciate it.”

“I’m just letting you know that this could make trouble for you. And before you say it, no. It’s not fair. But Florence isn’t known for being fair; she’s known for being ruthless.”

“Did she ask you to talk to me about this, or is this you looking out for me?”

“Both,” he says without hesitation. “It’s pretty shitty that she put me in this situation, but it’s both. Because I won’t lose you to a petty grudge that woman’s carrying.”