“We were formally introduced yesterday, sweetheart. I’m Ike. Nice to meet you.”

She blinks at me and swallows hard, and I can see that my joke is lost on her.

“What’s your full name?”

“Isaiah Matthew Harrison, at your service.”

“Oh, thank God.” She clutches her chest and seems to have to catch her breath. I’m surprised her legs don’t give out on her.

“Do I need to take you to the emergency room?” I press the back of my hand against her forehead. “You don’t seem feverish.”

“No.” She laughs now and holds on to my arms as she shakes her head. I admit, I like being this close to her.

I like it a lot.

“Sorry, my dad’s name is Isaac, and it occurred to me that Ike might be short for Isaac, and that made me panic a little.”

“Because it would be weird,” I finish for her.

“Kind of, yeah. Okay, a lot. It would be a lot weird for me.”

“Well, you can breathe easy.”

She sighs, then takes in my house the same way that she did earlier. With interest and clear appreciation.

“Did I mention that I really like your house?”

“You might have. What is it about this place that appeals to you?”

She taps her finger on her chin as she walks through the kitchen to the living room, near the wide windows that give me a full, clear view of the water.

“It’s so open,” she says at last. “And I know most homes are open, but this isn’t a new house, and that’s unusual.”

“Built in 1936,” I confirm. “But it’s been through some renovations over the years. Opening up the kitchen to the living room happened about ten years ago, I think.”

“It’s perfect. And these windows just make it seem bigger. It’s just cozy. And welcoming. No bad vibes here.”

“That’s a relief.” I shove my hands into my pockets because everything in me wants to pull her close and feast on her lips. “It’s not a big house.”

“It doesn’t need to be,” she says immediately. “Trust me, there are houses of all sizes in my family, and at the end of the day, it’s the people in them that make them a home. Not the size.”

“How big was the house you grew up in?” I ask.

“About this size,” she says, thinking it over. “My dad builds houses for a living. He and Mom bought a place just before I was born. He completely renovated it and made it what she wanted. They still live there.”

“I like that,” I decide with a nod. “Want to see the rest?”

“I thought you’d never ask. Let’s go, tour guide.”

I grin and take her hand in mine, then lead her down a hallway. “There are two bedrooms and a bathroom over here. I use one for a guest room and one for a home gym.”

“I like it.” She takes in both rooms and nods thoughtfully. “You utilized the space well for the gym.”

“It’s not a big room, so I called in a professional to make the most of it. Let’s go upstairs.”

I walk ahead of her and glance back just in time to see her eyes pinned to my ass.

“It’s just right there,” she says, gesturing to said ass. “I can’t help but stare at it.”

“Of course, you can’t help it.”

“It’s a hardship,” she insists, but then laughs when I tug her to the top of the steps and lightly smack her own behind. “Oh, I like this a lot. I don’t think I’d ever leave this space.”

I have to admit, the loft is awesome. I have a big TV set up, with deep-cushioned couches, blankets, and everything that a person could want for a lazy afternoon.

“I have the gym.” I glance around with a nod. “And I needed a place to veg out, as well. It’s all about balance.”

“For sure.”

I lead her to my bedroom, and she glances around, nodding in satisfaction. “Nice.”

We share a glance.

Yeah, the sexual tension is there.

I want to toss her onto that bed.

And it’s going to happen. Sooner or later.

“What else?” She turns to me, hands on her hips.

“Just a game room.”

“A game room?” She tilts her head to the side in interest. “Show me.”

I gesture for her to follow me to the other side of the house, but stop before opening the door.

“Is there a secret knock or something?” she asks when I pause. “It doesn’t say No Girls Allowed.”

I lean in to kiss her nose, unable to resist her. “No. This room is over the garage, and it’s big. It used to be used as an office space, but I don’t have a need for that. I’m fine with my laptop on the dining room table.”


“The thing you need to know about this room is that it’s all about competition. There’s no mercy shown in here. You play to win. Sometimes, there’s bloodshed.”