“Does that mean that you live there?” she asks.

“Yep. Want my address? You can come over any time.”

“I do want your address so I can sell it to all the groupies.”

I smirk. “Bullshit. I know who your uncle is. You wouldn’t do that.”

She laughs, and it moves through me like good wine and leaves me just as high. “Okay, I wouldn’t. No, I don’t live over there, but I have family who do, and it’s my favorite neighborhood to run in.”

“Score one for me.”

“Are you always a charmer, Ike?”

“I’m never charming. Hell, I wouldn’t know the first thing about it. I just call it like I see it. And you’re a beautiful woman that I’d like to get to know better. Go to dinner with me tomorrow.”

“That wasn’t a question.”

I feel my lips tip up. “No, ma’am. Not a question.”

“Do I hear a hint of a southern accent in your voice?”

“I’m from Oklahoma, but before I tell you any more about me, you have to go out with me.”

“Hmm. Well, I do like the accent.”

“Is that all you like?”

“Hmm,” is all she says, and it makes me laugh.

“I’ll pick you up at six.”

“I’ll pick you up,” she says, surprising me. “I have to help my cousin with something tomorrow afternoon, so I’ll already be in the ‘hood.”

“Okay, I can work with that. I’ll text you my address.”

“Great. Do I have to get dressed up?”

“I hope not.” I laugh at that. “I’m a pretty casual guy.”

“Okay. Well, then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Sleep well, beautiful Sophie.”

She’s quiet for a moment and then whispers, “You, too,” before hanging up.

My dad may have pissed me off, but I had a delicious dinner, and now, I have a date with a beautiful woman. Life’s pretty fucking good.

Chapter 3


“I think that’s everything,” Abby says as she nibbles on the end of her pen and reads through her notes.

Abby is in college to be a news reporter, and she asked if she could interview me for her class.

On camera.

This is actually good timing because I knew I’d put on a little makeup for my date with Ike anyway, so I’m killing two birds with one stone.

“Thanks for helping me with this,” she continues. Abby is a gorgeous brunette with skin so smooth and clear that she practically glows. She’s always been a little shy. Definitely soft-spoken.

So, I was completely and pleasantly surprised that, as soon as the camera came on, Abby smiled, and there was no evidence of the shy girl I’d known for so long.

“You’re really good at this,” I inform her as she begins to put some of her things away. We’re in the living room of the new house at the compound, and although she lives here, she stores all of her equipment in the storage space under the stairs to keep it out of the way. “Like, really good. Do you want to be an anchor at a news channel? Because you totally could.”

“No.” She shakes her head, but her lips tip up in a sweet smile. “I want to cover sports. ESPN, here I come.”

I blink twice and then feel my heartbeat quicken. “That is awesome! I mean, you’ll eventually have to move away, and that makes me sad, but what an incredible goal, Abs.”

“It’ll take a while. I’ll probably have to start locally and work my way up. I’m not going to hide that Will is my uncle, but I’m not going to ride that coattail to get a job, either. So, we’ll see.”

“I’m in your corner,” I assure her and glance over as Liam walks in from the kitchen.

“Oops, are you still filming? I can go.”

“No, we’re finished,” Abby says. “But thanks for asking. Did you make that?”

She points to the muffin in his hand, and he grins at her.

“Nah, I stole it from the other house. Lucy’s been baking this morning.”

“Did you bring us some?” I ask my brother, and he just takes another bite and shakes his head. “Selfish.”

“When it comes to baked goods, you bet your ass.”

I laugh and then check the time. When Ike texted me his address, he told me to be there around 5:30 rather than 6:00, and if I’m walking, that means I have to go now.

“I’d better go.”

“Oh, I’ll drive you,” Abby offers. “Since Maddie dropped you off earlier.”

“Why don’t you have your car?” Liam asks.

“Maddie asked me to go get pedicures, and we both know that I never turn that down, and then I had her drop me here for my interview with Abs. I have a date in a little while, and I’m just going to walk. No biggie.”

Liam stops chewing. “A date with who?”

“I don’t think you know him,” I reply. “But he lives here in the neighborhood, so it’s easy.”

“I’ll take you.” Liam leaves no room for argument.