I blink at her. “The harmonica?”

“Yes, and I didn’t realize just how sexy that is until last night.”

“Huh. I guess I never considered the harmonica to be a sexy instrument. But whatever floats your boat, Becs.”

“Oh, he floated my boat all right.”

I wrinkle my nose. “Okay. Enough of that.”

“You could use some boat floating of your own, you know.”

“My boat is just fine moored in the harbor.”

“So boring.”

“Maybe, and I know this is a wild idea here, but just maybe we could think about work today. We have four videos to shoot, so you’ll have to forgive me if I don’t want to go into great detail about the lack of boat floating in my life.”

“Okay, let’s do this. I got all the groceries on your list and put them in the fridge and pantry yesterday.”

“I saw that, thanks.”

Becs has been with me for three years. She helps me monitor all the social media platforms, and keeps me organized. And twice a week, when we film, she comes to help.

“You got another email from Healthy Food, Inc. this morning.”

“The answer is still no.”

I set out a cutting board, a knife, and a bowl, and when Becs doesn’t say anything at all, I turn to her.

“You might want to at least hear what they have to say. It could be a lot of money.”

“And they’d have control over my content. They’d tell me what I can and cannot say. This is my brand, Becs. I can’t sell that off.”

“Okay.” She nods, but I can see that she doesn’t agree.

But this is my business, and I do very well with it.

Better than very well.

I just finished writing a book for a major publisher, and they paid me a handsome advance for it. My income from social media streams is in the high six figures.

If anyone is going to take my message globally, it’s going to be me.

“I want to film the healthy and delicious charcuterie board today, along with the roasted pepper soup, and then we’re going to do a short video in my living room, and one where I go over skin care in the bathroom.”

“I live for recipe day,” Becs says with a happy sigh. “Does this mean I can take home some soup?”

“Of course.”

She does a quick happy dance, and then we get down to work.

A nice charcuterie spread is one of my uncle Will’s favorite things, so I’m taking the one I made on camera today to his and my aunt Meg’s house. Of course, Will eats anything and everything he can get his greedy hands on, so I often take a lot of my “extras” over to him.

It’s a beautiful spring afternoon in Seattle. But because it’s also a Friday, traffic is a nightmare, so it seemingly takes me forever to get through the city, headed to where I need to go.

I frown when I see some cars I don’t recognize in the driveway.

I don’t want to interrupt anything, so I quickly call Meg.

“Hey, pretty girl. What are you doing?” She always answers the phone in the same way, and it always makes me smile.

“Well, I’m in your driveway, but it looks like I might be interrupting something. I should have called first.”

“Nonsense. You know you’re always welcome here. Come on in. Will just invited a few of the guys from the team over for a little barbecue.”

“Oh, I can come back another—”

“If you don’t come in here and save me from all of this testosterone, I will never forgive you.”

I laugh, immediately feeling better. “Okay. On my way.”

It only takes me a few minutes to gather all of my supplies, and when I open the front door, Meg is hurrying to help me.

“What did you bring?”

“Charcuterie,” I reply, letting her take one of the bags from me. “I made it for a video today, and I will never eat it all myself. Uncle Will never turns down food.”

“Let’s be honest, I don’t either. You always make the best stuff. Come on in. Will’s out back with the guys, enjoying the sunshine while we have it. And I was actually in the kitchen, cleaning out my fridge.”

“Oh, good timing. I’ll help.”

“No, you won’t. But you will chat with me while I do this. Do you mind if I nibble on what you brought?”

“Of course not. I brought it for you.”

Meg and Will’s house is something to write home about. It’s huge and has a view of the water. As a retired quarterback for the Seattle football team, and maybe one of the most beloved players ever to play the sport, Will did very well for himself. He continues to do so as a sports commentator, and he is still active with the team as a mentor.

I don’t think wild horses could keep him away. Football runs through his veins.