Around seven, I catch the sound of her pickup pulling in outside. My heart starts banging against my ribcage, and it’s all I can do to keep the fangs and the claws in. Not just because Carolyn Green doesn’t know the truth about any of us—not even about Alicia—but because those aren’t the bear’s claws trying to come out. They’re the raging part of me. The part of me Samantha hasn’t yet seen. The part of me I’m not real sure I ever want her to see.

But it’s a part of me that can’t wait to get a look at her. Usually the berserker stays down real deep—but after what Mama said about rage and love, it makes a lot more sense why it’s so near the surface now…and has been ever since I met Sam. The bear loves her just as much. He’s just more easygoing about everything.

That’s the side of me I usually show her. Even when I’m on two feet.

Might not be so easy now. Especially knowing she’s hurt. Doesn’t matter I was the one who hurt her. It only matters that she’s in pain, and I’m ready to tear the whole fucking world apart for her.

And Christ help me, she’s beautiful. Just tears my breath out of my lungs as she comes in with smiles for Mama and Carolyn, then sweeping the baby out of their arms to kiss Emma all over her chubby face. On duty, she keeps her black hair in a long braid. Now it’s loose and in shining waves, sweeping forward over her shoulder when she mushes her face against Emma’s bare tummy and blows.

I figure Travis has her nailed. Let people close, but not too close. Yet when she allows that final step, she holds nothing back. She’s that way with Alicia. And what little I’ve seen of her with her mom. No doubt little Emma’s in that small circle, too.

A sound from the near the kitchen yanks my gaze to Pop, who’s staring at Sam holding Emma like he’s just—

“Not a ghost,” Travis hisses to him under his breath. “Just no scent.”

Alicia covers her face, shoulders shaking.

Sam looks up, eyes sparkling. They don’t glow like ours do. But that just makes the glittering in them when she’s amused that much brighter to me.

That sparkle fades when her gaze meets mine, and it’s like I’ve been kicked in the stomach. My claws want to tear and shred, because she’s hurting so much.

But it was me who hurt her.

I give her space. I won’t always be able to, but I do now, making myself useful to Alicia by carrying out loaded dish after dish to the table. When we’re seated, I don’t claim the spot next to Sam. Instead I’m on the other side of the table, but there’s not so many of us that I still can’t see her real well.

“If you’ll indulge me,” Carolyn starts out, lifting her wine glass and turning to Samantha, sitting beside her. “Happy birthday to my Jesse. May he rest in peace while that trucker rots in Hell.”

Sam’s eyes light up again, her soft mouth curving. “Happy birthday, Dad.”

“I’ve got cake for after,” Alicia says, and Samantha reaches out, squeezes her hand in wordless thanks.

“But you didn’t take today off?” I ask, loading up my plate with mashed potatoes as they come my way. “You were working today.”

“Just keeping busy,” she mutters, then meets my eyes. “Got one nice haul for the county right near the end of my shift. Asshole going ninety. In the rain. Without a helmet or a license.”

Carolyn clucks her tongue, shakes her head. “Someone like that’s going to get himself killed or kill someone else.”

“A real dick,” I agree, while next to me Travis is grinning big. Mama Bear’s eyeing me like I’ve got a lecture coming sooner or later. Not about my own safety, since a wreck wouldn’t kill me, and she’s not really worried about hurting anyone else, since our reflexes mean that we’re rarely in accidents, even when someone else is at fault.

But Mama Bear doesn’t like wasting money, and a speeding ticket is about as stupid a waste as it gets.

Mostly I agree with her. And I’m not usually one for speeding. Not usually ever in a hurry at all. But that bike, and the wind and rain on my face at ninety? Sweet as hell.

“I’m glad we got a chance to see you before leaving tomorrow.” Carolyn blinks at the amount of roast chicken Alicia just put on her plate before selecting one little piece. “Are you staying out at the farmhouse again while you’re here?”

“I hope to,” I say, ignoring the way Sam’s head whips up and she glares at me over the table. “Maybe long term, if Samantha will have me. I’ve got a mind to take up farming and she once said I could pour my cash into that land.”