“This is good,” I say.
“It’s just ham and cheese.”
“It’s good ham and cheese.” I take another huge bite and chew, half of the sandwich gone already. “I should probably call Dean and check in before it gets any later. Can I borrow your phone?”
“Here.” Jake shifts to reach into his other pocket. “I already programmed a few numbers in for you.”
I stare at the phone that’s now in my lap. Programmed a few numbers in for me? “Is this yours?”
“No. It’s yours.”
“What.” I jerk my head up, swallowing my bite. “You did not get me a phone. Did you get me a phone?”
“Looks like it.”
“How? When?”
“I bought it while you were sleeping.”
I blink several times as my mouth struggles to form words. “What? Jake.”
“You bought me a phone?”
“Yeah. You needed one.”
“You—was it expensive? How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
“No. No I have to pay you back. iPhones aren’t cheap. It’s like leasing a vehicle with Apple. You’re not going to make payments for the next ten years for me. I’ll do it.”
“No, you won’t. I already paid for it. It’s yours.”
My mouth hangs open.
“Oh, and I got you your old number back. That took a little work, but CJ helped.”
I set the plate and half-eaten sandwich on the trunk/coffee table thing before I drop it, then I slowly sink back against the couch.
No one has ever done anything so nice for me before, except maybe Dean, and he’s never really done anything outside the lines of sponsorship.
Definitely nothing as big as dropping some serious cash on me.
This phone looks newer than my old one. No way was this cheap.
And Jake… he bought me a phone and more. He got me my clothes and took care of Bella. He took care of me.
Fuck. I’m going to cry all over him. I know I am.
“It’s one of those refurbished ones, Felix. It wasn’t expensive, okay?”
“Still. I don’t know what to say besides thank you.” My words are shaky and soft. “And that doesn’t really feel like enough.”
“It’s enough.”
“You’re—thank you, Jake.” I look over at him and watch him smile. My eyes fill up with tears. “Sorry. I’m… you know…”
“I know.”
“Wait. How did you get Dean’s number?”
“He gave it to me when he lectured me outside.”
“Oh.” I frown immediately.
Do not get jealous. Do not get jealous.
“Jesus. For the last time, I’m not trying to fuck your sponsor,” Jake says, and it’s a little annoying how perceptive he can be. “Dean gave me his number so you could contact him, Felix.”
“Oh yeah? No shit.”
Jake’s brow ticks up, and if he isn’t sick of my temperamental ass by now, he’s got to be close.
“This isn’t me,” I remind him. “You know it isn’t, right?”
“Yes.” He tips his chin at my lap. “Just call him already.”
“Y-Yeah. Okay.”
Fuck. He’s being way too forgiving right now.
I seriously owe Jake the greatest blow job known to man as soon as I feel well enough to deep throat.
I pull up the contacts, my contacts, and there’s only two numbers programmed. Dean’s and Jake’s. Maybe I won’t program anyone else. Who else would I need? (Do I even have anyone else to program? Probably not.) Definitely not a parent I could call or any other friends.
I wipe at my face.
“It’s okay, Felix.”
“I know. I’m just—it’s stupid. I don’t think I need anyone else, but it would be nice if I had options.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Nothing. My head hurts.”
I click on Dean’s name, and wince again when the pain stabs sharp behind my left eye this time. I groan and hold my head when it digs deeper and spreads all the way to the back of my skull.
“Come here.” Jake grabs on to my elbow and pulls me down, hugging me against his chest.
I press the phone to my ear and watch Bella stand and stretch before jumping down.
“Felix,” Dean answers on the second ring.
“Hey. I’m okay.”
“How are you calling me from your number?”
“Jake got it back for me. And another phone.”
“That was nice of him.”
“Yeah.” I blink the tears from my eyes. “I need to go back to sleep. I just wanted you to know I’m good. Just, like, super moody and emotional. You know how it is. And I think Jake’s about to dump me.”
“Jesus Christ,” my soon-to-be-ex mumbles.
I crane my neck to look at him. “Do you want to keep Bella after we separate? I think she’d be happier with you.”
“You need to stay the fuck away from coke.”
“He isn’t wrong,” Dean says in my ear, and I swear to God, he actually sounds amused right now.
“Yeah, I know. I know.”
I squeeze my eyes shut and beg a higher power for some fucking relief.
“I’ll be back to normal soon. Right?”
“Of course, you will.”
And Dean’s heading up Team Felix again. He probably wouldn’t find anything Jake says amusing anymore.