He leans away slightly to look at me better, and his hands mold gently to my face.
“I’m going to be honest with you.”
“Good. I want you to be.”
“I think the whole best friend thing is stupid, Felix.”
I wince. “It’s not though…”
“But,” he’s quick to say. “If someone asked me today who my best friend was, I’d tell them it’s you.”
“Fuck yeah. And unless I needed to get a hold of you, I’m not going to Dean for anything. He’s a little bitch.”
“He’s just a rule follower.”
“But I am glad you have him. He’s good for you.”
Jake leans in again and bumps his nose against mine, and I feel so happy now.
But shit, do I need to sleep.
“Your best friend is really tired,” I say through a yawn.
“Are you going to refer to yourself as that from now on? Warn me now if you are.”
“Well, either that or boyfriend. I’m equally proud of both titles.”
Jake smiles then, so fast I know it’s because he can’t help it.
“Come on,” he says, grabbing my hand and pulling.
And I think I’d follow him anywhere.
I COLLAPSE FACE-FIRST on Jake’s bed after kicking off my boots and bury my face in the pillow, inhaling the faint smell of detergent.
“Mm. You really appreciate fresh sheets once someone shits all over yours.”
Jake chuckles somewhere off to the side. “That’s so sick.”
“Tell me about it.”
“How are you even comfortable right now?”
“Huh?” I turn my head and peek at him from behind my hair. “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You’re wearing jeans. Who the fuck sleeps in jeans?”
“Guys named Felix when they’re totally fucking wrecked. If it bothers you, take them off me.”
“Oh, so it’s like that.”
“Yeah. It’s like that.”
He plants his knee on the bed, and I think he’s fighting a smile as much as I am right now. “Flip over.”
“How would you feel about moving me…”
“Are you serious?”
I slowly nod.
Jake begins to crawl across the bed. “I’ve never undressed another guy before.”
Okay. Impossible not to smile now.
“In that case, I should probably warn you…”
“About what?”
He kneels beside my hip, somehow sliding his arms underneath my body like a hug but in a way I barely shift around, and then he’s gently turning me toward him and rolling me onto my back.
“About what,” he repeats once I’m face up, and my stomach tenses when he plucks at the top button of my flannel.
“This might be amazing for you,” I say, our eyes meeting when his gaze flicks up to my face. “The. Um. Whole undressing me thing. I’m not positive it will be, but I really hope it is.”
He smirks.
“And you might want to have sex once I’m mostly naked, but I am absolutely exhausted right now, and I don’t think I could give you my A game even though I’m very motivated to do that.”
“What’s your A game?” he asks, continuing unbuttoning my shirt.
His fingertips graze my stomach and I gulp.
“Um. You know. Lots of participation on my part. Topping from the bottom. Shit like that.”
“Shit like that, huh?” He spreads the shirt open and pushes it off my shoulders and down my arms once I lean up. “I’m excited for your A game.”
“Me too. It’s not bad.”
I sit up so he can strip off my Henley as well, then I collapse onto my back again and watch him toss my shirts off the bed.
“I wasn’t planning on having sex with you right now, Felix. The walls are really fucking thin.”
“So, you’ve totally heard your brother getting laid? Oh damn. What if you heard them conceiving? That’s kind of cool. You could tell your niece or nephew about it one day.”
“Yeah. I’m not going to do that.”
Jake moves between my legs like he’s about to blow me, and even though I really don’t think he will, I can’t stop myself from feeling anxious about it.
My heartbeat jumps and quickens and my skin heats all over, and it’s so sudden and out of nowhere, it scares the fuck out of me.
I clear my throat even though I don’t need to, gaining Jake’s attention, and the shaky smile I give him doesn’t feel like my own.
You’d think I never had my dick sucked before, and I have. So many times. I’ve gotten blown by men I barely knew and ones I didn’t know at all. Complete strangers have swallowed my load and I never worried about it like this. I never wondered if they’d hate it and hate me after it was over. And I don’t understand why I’m panicking about it now when it isn’t even happening or where the fuck all my confidence went, but I wish I never said anything about my “A” game (why the fuck did I even call it that?), because now I’ve talked myself up so much, I’ll never live up to the expectation.