“You can’t believe anything my dad says,” I continue. “I know the drugs were in my house, but they weren’t mine. I’ve been arrested twice for possession. Look me up if you want. Felix Fields. I can show you my ID. I’ll cooperate. I just—could you maybe not ask me any more questions? Not that I have anything to hide. I’m just anxious around cops. Not that I have reason to be.” The fork rattles against the plate when I accidentally drop it. “I’m not nervous because I’m guilty. I swear.”
“What’s going on?” Dean asks, coming to stand on my right while Jake flanks my left.
“Are you trying to pin this on him?” Jake asks. “What the fuck for? You have his dad.”
“We’re not doing anything,” Super muscular cop says. “He just started running his mouth like that when I asked if he took any of the drugs. A simple no would’ve been all I needed to hear.”
My eyes widen. “Oh! Then no. No, I didn’t take anything. And that stuff earlier I said about starting over with my sobriety—completely unrelated to this. I slipped up by taking other drugs. Not the ones in my house.”
Dean curses under his breath. “Felix, just eat your pie and stop talking.”
“I mean, I’m happy to do that.”
Jake laughs under his breath and watches me take another bite.
“We should go before we overhear anything else,” slightly less muscular cop says.
I’m getting sick of these nicknames. They’re not even creative.
“Which one is Ben and which one is Luke?” I ask. “And how do you know Dean? Have you arrested him?”
“Why is that the first thing you think of?” Dean scowls at me.
“Because I’ve just been interrogated, and I’m in that mindset. I don’t know.”
“We weren’t interrogating you,” super muscular cop says.
“You’d know if we were,” slightly less muscular cop adds.
“Which one is which? I’ve been calling you super muscular cop and slightly less muscular cop in my head.”
“Why.” Jake glares at me.
“Um. Because that’s how they look? They’re both equally attractive, and I needed to differentiate between the two of them somehow. Thank god your brother still isn’t here. If I would’ve forgotten his name, that would’ve been a huge mess in my head.”
“He’d be the most fuckable cop,” Riley says cheerfully from her seat at the island.
Jake stares at me, almost as if he’s waiting for me to throw his name into the mix and argue that.
“What? You aren’t a cop,” I remind him.
“Eat your pie, Felix.”
I keep my eyes on him as I take another bite.
Super muscular cop speaks up then. “I’m Ben. Or super muscular cop. My wife will love knowing you called me that.”
Slightly less muscular cop tips up his chin. “Luke. My wife won’t give a shit what you call me.”
“Marriage trouble?” I ask.
Luke looks confused. “Fuck no. She’s crazy about me.”
“So, how do you know Dean?”
“I’ve done their ink,” Dean answers me. “It’s been a long time though. Both of you need to be coming back in.”
“I told you—I wanna get my son’s name on me,” Luke says.
“We’ll definitely stop in soon.” Ben looks over at Luke, asking, “You ready to head out?”
“Yeah. I think we’re done freaking out the new guy.”
I don’t even argue that, even though I wouldn’t say I was freaking out.
On the verge of my first panic attack? Possibly.
I stop them when they reach the door. “Wait. How long is my dad going to be locked up? Any idea?”
Please say forever. Please say forever.
“Depends on the judge,” Ben says. “But we got him on possession and driving a stolen vehicle while under the influence, so at least a couple years.”
“He had drugs on him when you picked him up?” Jake asks.
I scoff. “Of course, he did. I’d be surprised if he didn’t.”
“Yeah. He was loaded down,” Luke shares. “I doubt he’ll get off with less than five years at least. Not with his record.”
“And I’m guessing you don’t wanna post bail for him.”
I frown at Ben after shoving the last bite of pie into my mouth. “Uh. Fuck no. Let him rot.”
“That’s what I thought.” He opens the door. “All right. We’ll see you soon, Dean.”
“Sounds good.”
“Later,” Luke calls out.
After the door closes behind them, I start to overthink.
“Should I have thanked them for not pushing the whole drugs being in my house, thing? I mean, they barely questioned me at all.”
“You’d probably only incriminate yourself,” Dean says. “I wouldn’t.”
I look from him to Jake. “I kind of feel bad though. They just did me a favor and they don’t know me.”
“They’ve already been thanked.” He takes the empty plate from me. “You done?”
“Yeah.” I lick any remaining filling off my lips.” You should make more pies. Like, weekly.”
“I second that,” Riley says.
Jake smiles before stepping away.
I put my back to the kitchen as I slide closer to Dean, and lower my voice so no one else can hear me when I ask, “So. How did the talk go?”