“My boyfriend is getting me one.”

Might as well get this lecture over with. I know it’s coming.

Dean sighs, licking sticky red filling off his lip. He shakes his head and looks back down. “Jesus Christ, Felix. Of all days to do this…”

“Like it wasn’t going to happen eventually.”

“And now seemed like the best time to you? I don’t know why you ask me for advice. You rarely listen to me.”

“If you’re going to talk to him like that, you can get the fuck out,” Jake says, coming up to stand beside me. He hands me the plate without looking, keeping his gaze locked on Dean.

“Excuse me?” Dean asks.

“It’s cool,” I tell Jake. “We’re always like this.”

“Yeah? So he regularly makes you feel like shit for the choices you make?”

“I don’t feel like shit right now. Except for the whole starting over with my sobriety thing. But I’m dealing with that.”

Dean gets to his feet, and in a calm, firm voice, says to Jake, “You and I should probably step outside and have a little talk before I leave,” and this is when he becomes intimidating to me.

Jake doesn’t even flinch.

“Yeah? Let’s fucking go.”

“Jesus Christ. Tully Jr. acts just like you,” the cop seated in the middle says to the other, slightly less muscular but in no way any less attractive cop.

Slightly less muscular cop grunts around his bite of pie. “Probably why I like him.”

Dean moves around the couch and places his plate in the sink. Then I watch Jake lead Dean to the door.

“Now?” I ask. “You’re going outside right now to have this talk?”

“Now,” Jake says at the same time as Dean’s, “Looks like it.”

The door closes behind them.

“Cool. Just leave me in here all alone to get grilled. My support system rules.”

I slowly look over at the cops, who are both straight up watching me like they can’t wait another second to begin the interrogation.

“Hello. I’m Felix.”

Neither one of them speak.

“Anyway, Jake said my car is totaled. Any chance my dad is now completely paralyzed?”

Super muscular cop raises his brows. “Damn. That’s a little harsh, isn’t it?”

“Not at all.”

They both stare at me like they’re waiting for a totally kidding I hope he lives a long, full life without ever hurting himself and I think I stopped wishing for that by the time I turned eleven.

I cut off a massive bite of pie with my fork and stuff it into my mouth.

Slightly less muscular cop looks from his buddy to me, saying, “I kind of get it. My dad was a drunk prick for most of my life.”

“Ayo. Shitty dad club.” I eat more pie. “Damn, this is really good.”

“Your dad didn’t sustain any injuries. Nothing major anyway.”

“But my car is wrecked.”

“Oh yeah.”


I wipe the back of my hand across my mouth and wince when a pounding in my head causes my vision to vibrate.

No clue if it’s from talking about my dad or the comedown from the high. There’s a good chance it could be both.

“I know Jake already told you, but the drugs weren’t mine. I’ll bet my dad said the same thing, but he’s a lying piece of shit who’s been arrested more times than I’ve actually seen him. Did you run him in your system or whatever?”

Slightly less muscular cop takes his last bite. “Yeah. He’s been busy.”

“Any chance he remembered he’s a parent and did the right thing by telling you the truth? Or did he say they were mine.”

“He said they were yours,” super muscular cop says. “He also said you let him borrow your car.”

“Sure. Right after I gave him all the cash I had, my phone, and my only credit card. I’m so fucking giving, you’d think he loved me like a son.”

I break off another bite with my fork and shove it into my mouth.

“Did you consume any of the drugs?” super muscular cop asks.

I swallow before meaning to and cough into my fist. “Am I under arrest right now?”


“Then I’m pretty sure I don’t have to answer that.”

Slightly less muscular cop pushes to his feet.

“Hold up.” I take a step back. “Are you getting ready to frisk me?”

He arches a brow. “Should I?”

“Can you?”


Flirting isn’t going to work here. Got it.

“Sorry. Look. I’m an addict. I’ll never deny that. But I didn’t go out and score, I swear. Those drugs weren’t mine.”

Super muscular cop stands now too.

He follows the other one into the kitchen where they both stop at the sink, and why are cops always so blank-faced and emotionless when they’re questioning you? It’s annoying.

“You can ask Dean. You know Dean, right? He’s my sponsor. He knows me better than anyone. He’ll vouch for me.”

The front door opens at my back, but I’m too busy pleading my case for no further jail time to turn around and make sure the two most important people to me didn’t beat the shit out of each other.