CJ’s deep chuckle makes me smile. “You’re so fucking lazy, bro.”

“Rain makes me sleepy. Shut up.”

“I’m leaving in twenty. If you’re coming with me, get your ass up.”

He shuts the door, and I lay there for another minute or five before rolling over and kicking out of the twisted sheets.

I throw my legs over the side of the bed and sit up, reaching for my phone.

I’m expecting the usual good morning/checking in on you text from Felix, because he always reaches out before nine, but I don’t have any notifications on my lock screen.

Maybe he’s sleeping in today too.

hey :)

good morning

I wait a minute for Felix to read my message and respond, but it stays on Delivered.

My dick starts getting hard in my boxers when I remember his body yesterday.

I picture it under me and over me. His pale skin beneath my sheets.

I scroll up and stare at the picture he sent last night.

His smile.

Jesus. It’s beautiful.

send me a selfie please

It’s the first time I’ve been this upfront and asked for one, and I hope that makes him feel good, knowing how badly I want to see him right now.

I get dressed in a pair of basketball shorts and an old t-shirt, step into my sneakers, and check my phone again.

My messages are still on Delivered.

After stopping off in the bathroom, I walk out into the kitchen and find my brother seated at the island, eating cereal.

“I’m shocked you got up, Sleeping Beauty,” CJ teases, shoveling Raisin Bran into his mouth.

“Figured I’d show you up today.”

“Oh, I doubt that, little brother.” The douchebag flexes.

I grimace. “You know you look like a massive tool when you do that.”

“Massive though.”

We both laugh.

I fix myself a bowl of cereal (Fruity Pebbles. Not some fucking old people mush like he’s eating) and stand opposite him at the counter.

I keep my phone out and stare at it as I eat.

When the light begins to dim and I can’t see when the texts go from Delivered to Read, I tap the screen, again and again.

Felix has never left me on Delivered this long.

“What’s up?” CJ asks.

“Nothing.” I swallow my bite. “Just waiting on Felix.”

“Waiting for what?”

“Him to text back.”

CJ pours himself more cereal. “Can I get the milk?”

I hand it over without looking.



“What’s going on?”

“Nothing. I’m just wondering where he is.”

I tap the screen again and scowl, keeping the spoon in my mouth as I pick up the phone to type.


you okay?

I set the phone down and shovel more cereal into my mouth, and when I feel milk dripping down my chin, I quickly wipe it off with the back of my hand and then tap on the screen again.


Another bite. Chew. Tap. Delivered. Another bite. Chew. Tap. Delivered.

If something happened with his dad, he would’ve called. He promised.

CJ stands and closes the box of cereal. “You ready?”


I tip the bowl back and gulp down the remaining milk as my brother rounds the counter, and while he rinses his bowl and mine once I pass it off, I’m dialing Felix’s number.

The call connects on the third ring.


I frown, not recognizing the voice in my ear. It’s deeper and accented. “Who’s this?”

“Man, you called me. Who you lookin’ for?”

“Felix. You have his phone.”

“Nah, man. This is my phone.”

“The fuck it is.”

CJ presses close to my side. “What is it?” he asks.

I shake my head.

“Where’s Felix?” I ask.

“Yo, I don’t know what to tell you.”

“Why do you have his phone? Who the fuck is this?”

“Yo, man. Some crusty-ass old dude sold me this phone. It’s mine now. Sorry.”

The call disconnects.

“What’s going on?” CJ asks.

My mind picks apart the information just given to me as I lower the phone and stare at it, and it wouldn’t make sense, none of this would, if I hadn’t gone with Felix back to his house yesterday after we visited the cemetery, and if I didn’t know he wasn’t alone in that house anymore.

“I think his dad stole his phone and sold it.”

I turn to look at my brother as this rotten, tormenting feeling pricks underneath my skin and burrows. I start to feel sick.

“Why would he do that?” CJ asks.

“He’s a drunk, and a junkie. That’s reason enough.”

“Shit. That’s fucked up.”

“Felix hasn’t seen him in over a year. He just showed up yesterday. And that shithead sold his phone.”

I try to imagine how it happened, and the darkest ideas burst inside my head.

I picture Felix putting up a fight and losing, because he wouldn’t just give in and give up his phone, and even though his dad didn’t look like a big guy, that wouldn’t matter if he ambushed Felix out of nowhere.

He could’ve gotten the upper hand so easily if Felix wasn’t expecting it.

Maybe his dad waited for Felix to fall asleep, and swung on him before his eyes even opened, knocking him out before he had the chance to wake. Felix might be bruised and bleeding with no way of calling anyone for help, and fuck, that thought makes me insane.