“Looks like your murderer was hungry,” I say.
“My leftovers,” Felix whines, resting his chin on my shoulder. “And they left the fridge open? That’s fucking rude.”
He pushes past me, kicking Tupperware lids out of the way, and slams the door.
I peer around the corner into the living room, bat raised, but it’s empty too.
Except for Bella. She’s asleep on the couch.
“Maybe they just stole something and left,” Felix suggests, coming up next to me.
We hear something—a deep, pulsing snort—and turn our heads toward the stairs.
“I don’t think they left,” I say.
Felix presses against my back and grabs fistfuls of my shirt as we slowly start the climb.
“Do you think it’s a bear?” he whispers, voice trembling.
“Are you sure? It could be a bear.”
“I don’t think a bear would leave food to check out your bedroom.”
“Unless he’s tired.”
I feel myself fighting a smile. “You’re really cute when you’re scared.”
“Thanks? I’d rather not be scared though. Or eaten.”
“It’s not a bear.”
We reach the landing, and I stop and listen for the sound again, but I don’t hear anything now.
We continue down the hallway, Felix’s breath hot against my neck and his legs pressing against mine with each step we take, and when we reach the first bedroom door, I push it open with the end of the bat.
The twin bed is empty.
“That’s my old room,” Felix shares, peering over my shoulder.
“Yeah. I was really into animals. Never bears though.”
“Felix, I promise—it’s not a bear.”
We continue down the hall, checking the bathroom next. That’s empty too.
Felix jumps and holds onto me when the snorting sound is heard again. Much louder this time.
“Shit,” he whispers. “Shit. Shit. Shit. It’s coming from my room.”
“Maybe the bear liked your mattress the best.”
His fingertips dig into my shoulders. “You promised it wasn’t a bear, Jake.”
“I know.” I look back at him. “Bad time for a joke?”
“Yes. Obviously.”
We slowly creep forward until we’re a foot away from the door, and I reach behind me and ease Felix off my back, saying, “Wait here,” before I twist my hands along the wrapped handle and tighten my grip.
Bat raised, I kick the door open and burst inside the room.
“Is it a bear!” Felix yells. “Should I run? Can you run? Please don’t get eaten!”
I stand at the foot of the bed, letting the tip of the bat hit the floor. “It’s not a bear.”
Felix cautiously steps closer, peeking his head around the doorframe first. “What is it?”
“It’s a homeless guy.”
I scowl at the lifeless, snoring drifter, breathing out of my mouth when I get a good whiff of him.
“What.” Felix quickly rushes in. “Oh fuck. It’s my dad.”
My head whips right. “This is your dad?”
Oh shit.
“Yeah.” Felix covers his nose and mouth with his shirt. “Smells like him.”
I take a long look at the guy’s face, trying to see some resemblance, but aside from the graying curls laying on his forehead, he doesn’t look anything like Felix.
He’s built stocky, with short limbs and a wide torso. The angles of his face are too sharp.
“He broke into the house?” I ask.
“He doesn’t have a key. I changed the locks six months ago.”
I bring my shirt up when the stench becomes too much. “How long has he been gone?”
Felix thinks for a moment. “A year and a half, maybe? I don’t really keep track of when he decides to show up.”
“That’s fucking crazy. He disappears that long?”
Felix turns then and leaves the room, and I can’t follow him quick enough.
He shuts the door when I step out, saying, “Sorry. This is really embarrassing.” Leaning back against the wall, he pulls his shirt down and covers his face with his hands. “Fuck.”
“You don’t need to be embarrassed. I don’t care.”
“He reeks,” Felix says, lowering his hands. He looks miserable.
“Do you want to wake him up?”
“No.” His eyes are suddenly heavy. “I—shit. I want you to go, Jake. I’m sorry.”
I flinch and Felix notices, and I wait for him to take that back and tell me he’s just upset right now and of course I want you to stay, Jake, but he doesn’t.
And I don’t know what sucks worse: hearing him ask me to leave or knowing he means it.
“Oh.” My hand tightens on the bat. “You want to be alone with him? What if he’s fucked up?”
“Then I’ll deal with it. I’ll call Dean if I have to.”
I force myself not to react, because while that makes complete sense, it still really sucks to hear.
“Okay.” Christ. I’m in the worst mood now. “Fine. I guess I’ll go.”
“I really did want to hang out today.”
“Yeah. So did I.” I back away, feeling like an asshole for still being here and for wanting to help. “Whatever. I gotta deal with my brother anyway.”
“Are you mad?”
Not a lie. I’m not mad.
I’m… something else. I just don’t really know what.