I chuckle, walking over to my door when he goes around to his. “Next time I’ll try and fuck it up. Maybe I’ll end it too soon or something.”
“There’s going to be a next time?”
We stare at each other.
“Yeah,” we say together, and then we’re both laughing and climbing inside the car.
“Shit. We’re screwed,” he says, starting it up. “You know we’re screwed, right?”
“I don’t know. We survived a hug without tearing each other’s clothes off.”
He looks at me skeptically. “Just because we’re at a cemetery and I just got done talking to my dead mom. Change the location and I would’ve been bent over the hood.”
Heat rushes to my groin.
I lean back in the seat as the most vivid images assault my mind. “We should probably talk about something else.”
“Okay. Change the subject,” he says, backing out of the parking spot.
“I don’t know—uh. Have you ever done mushrooms?”
“Drugs? Really? That’s what you change the subject to? We’re addicts, you idiot!”
“Look. It’s hard thinking of something right now that doesn’t involve you taking my dick.”
He turns out onto the main road, and I watch his hands flex around the wheel. “God, I want to do that so bad.”
“Sorry. I’m trying to think of something else to talk about.”
“I know. Me too.”
My mind scrambles for a subject to take hold of. One that won’t fuck us up any worse than we already are.
But I’ve always been really good at folding under pressure and doing the one thing I shouldn’t be doing.
Like oversharing.
“I thought about you when I jerked off this morning.”
I close my eyes.
“What is wrong with you?” Felix asks.
“You suck at this. I’m really glad you told me that, but you suck at this, Jake.”
“Maybe you should change the subject then.” I stare at him, brow arching when he can’t think of jack shit to say that isn’t something we shouldn’t be talking about. “See? It’s not easy, is it?”
He grips the wheel, knuckles white. “I have an irrational fear of being in a car with corn on both sides of the road.”
I blink at his profile. “You what.”
“I know. I know it’s weird. I can’t explain it. But I will freak out if there’s corn on both sides of me when I’m driving. That’s some horror movie shit I don’t need in my life.”
“There’s a lot of farms around here.”
“I know,” he says, fear in his eyes when he glances at me.
I chuckle quietly. “Okay. What else are you afraid of?”
Thank God Felix took over getting us onto another topic. This is a good distraction for us.
“Balloons rubbing together,” he says seriously.
“Balloons. Really.”
“That sound—the squeaky sound balloons make when they rub. It scares the fuck out of me.” He actually shivers. “Fuck that sound.”
“Anything else?” I cross my arms, the biggest smile on my face now. I can’t help it.
“People in costumes. The ocean. Bears. Putting in contacts. Quicksand. Driving over really high bridges. Space. I can keep going if you want.”
“Mannequins. The bowling ball return machine.”
“Explain that one.”
“It could reverse somehow and suck my hand into the tube.”
He looks at me like I’m insane for not already thinking of that unlikely possibility.
“Has that actually happened to someone?”
“I don’t know. If it hasn’t, I’ll probably be the first!”
I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from cracking up in his face.
Felix is completely serious, and fuck me, it’s adorable.
“Is that it?” I ask.
He sighs, looking straight ahead, and quietly admits, “The Bermuda Triangle.”
“Oh.” My brows lift. “Wow. Okay.”
“People have gone missing, Jake, and the FBI isn’t investigating this place? Why doesn’t anyone talk about this anymore?”
“I don’t know, Felix.” I scratch the back of my head. “At least you still worry about it.”
“I mean, someone has to.”
I look out the window and smile. “I’m scared of needles.”
“No.” He sounds horrified.
“But… I wanted to give you your first tattoo. I’ve already picked the placement and everything.”
“Notice how I never agreed to that?” My brow furrows, and I look over at him. “Wait. You picked the placement? Where?”
“Um.” He scrapes his teeth across his bottom lip. “Maybe we should change the subject again.”
Oh, fuck that. He brought it up.
I sit forward a little. “Where, Felix?”
“It’s not important.”
“Your dick.”
I blink, mouth falling open. “Excuse me? What the fuck. Are you crazy?”
“People get tattooed there. I personally haven’t, but it’s a thing.”
“And what exactly would you be tattooing on my dick?”
His cheek flushes instantly, and he nervously suggests, “Subject change?”
“We really shouldn’t go any further.”
“Tell me. I need to know.”
“Why?” He sounds panicked. “It’s not like it’s going to happen now. You’re afraid of needles!”
“Tell me or I’ll change the subject. And you know how bad I am at that.”
“Shit.” He taps his fingers on the wheel. “Uh. I might be willing to risk that.”
“Okay. This morning wasn’t the first time I’ve jerked off thinking about you. In fact, I’ve—”