My fingers tremble as I shoot out a text.
where r u
I block out Mac’s opening message about strength and perseverance, and stare down at my phone. I chew on the edge of my thumbnail.
What the fuck. Where is he? I’m freaking out a little. He’d tell me if he wasn’t able to make it, wouldn’t he?
The door swings open, and I can finally take a fucking breath when I see Jake walk into the room.
He’s wearing jeans and a dark blue T-shirt that’s wrinkled, which I find really sexy for some reason. I don’t know why.
Maybe because that’s how it would look on my bedroom floor after I ripped it off him?
Not the time, Felix.
Jake searches for me, spotting where I am within the span of two seconds, and he looks so fucking sorry for being late and for making me worry, because I’m sure he can tell how panicked I was and still partially am.
I feel tense, even though I’m filled with relief.
He squeezes down the row and takes the seat beside me.
“Sorry,” he whispers.
I scoot closer until we touch, and I talk just as soft.
“It’s okay. Here.”
Jake takes the donut I grabbed for him, looking at me like he wants to smile, but can’t. “Thanks.” His eyes fall to my chest and arms. “You’re wearing sleeves.”
“Are you okay?”
He nods, taking a bite. His tongue catches the chocolate frosting on his lip.
“Where were you?” I ask.
“I just got held up.”
“Got held up where?”
“It doesn’t matter.” He looks down at my lap. “Why aren’t you eating?”
I take the biggest bite, because I love chocolate frosted anything and I’ve been starving for fifteen minutes and I think Jake likes watching me eat the way I do (or maybe I’m imagining things), but then I remember the selfie I sent and how he never responded to it.
He left me on Read.
I sink a little lower in my chair and stare ahead. My stomach bottoms out.
“What?” Jake whispers, noticing every little thing.
I swallow my bite.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“You didn’t text me back.”
“Oh. Shit. I’m sorry.”
“I sent you a selfie, and you didn’t—”
“Shh,” Dean says, nudging me.
I shove the rest of the donut into my mouth as Jake pulls out his phone, and I watch him out of the corner of my eye until he clicks on the selfie, enlarging my face on the screen, and then I’m fully fixated on everything Jake is doing which is why I nearly choke when he saves the image to a photo album he’s labeled with my name.
He saves my selfies. Every single one of them.
He has an entire photo album dedicated to ME.
Holy fucking fuck.
Ah, god. I like that way too much.
I’m too focused on not choking that I don’t see anything else Jake does, and then my phone vibrates in my pocket and I’m pulling it out, and he’s torturing me now. That’s exactly what he’s doing. He wants me to suffer. Because Jake sends me something he’s never sent before. Something only I ever send.
I blink at my phone as heat rises from my neck to my face.
I’m burning up now, and I really want to take off this hoodie or at least pull the hood down so I don’t bake, but my fucking hair probably looks worse than it did, so I can’t.
I sit there and sweat and I think I die a little.
I can’t believe he saves my selfies.
In an album, separate from all his other photos.
Fuck, that makes me feel good.
Jake and I sit there and listen, and we don’t whisper anymore even though I have questions that I’m too terrified to ask anyway, so it’s probably better that Dean’s here and threatening in his presence.
When the meeting is over, I absolutely do not introduce Jake like he’s my boyfriend.
“Dean. Dean! This is Jake.” I grab on to his hand and immediately release it. “Um. This is my Jake. I mean, my, it’s… he’s the guy I’m sponsoring.” I slap his back a little too hard, and Jake lurches forward. “Sorry. This is my friend Jake. His name’s Jake. You knew that. This is him. Here he is.”
“Felix,” Dean says, looking concerned.
“Are you all right?” Jake asks me.
“Mm?” I bite my lip and nod. “I’m great. Just doing completely normal introductions. Like a normal person. Ha. When have I ever been normal? Well, right now, apparently.”
Jake laughs under his breath while Dean shakes his head.
“How’s it going, Jake?” Dean extends his hand. “It’s good to finally meet you.”
“Yeah. You too.”
“I know Felix is your sponsor, but if you’re ever having a hard time and he’s not available, don’t hesitate to reach out.”
“Oh. Alright. Thanks.”
I give Dean a hard look.
“What,” he says.
“Nothing,” I grumble, staring down at my worn boots. I guess that was nice of him to offer.
Unnecessary. But nice.
“Jake, can I speak to Felix alone for a minute before I head out?”