“Or at least curious.”

“And I don’t think I’m curious.”

“Aside from wanting to know everything about being a power bottom, I don’t think I am either. But if I were curious, I think I’d be a top.”

“Oh look, Miguel. Jake is banging his head on the table. Maybe he’s ready to answer us now.”

“Yes, Hector. I think he is indeed ready.”

I slowly lift my head. “What the fuck is happening right now? Why are you asking me if I’m a power bottom? Where did that come from?”

Miguel cocks his head. “Um. Your texts with Felix? I figured it was obvious.”

“Very obvious,” Hector says.


“Obvious? Both of you were asking what I was going to say back to my lady. And the whole living vicariously through me because you both can’t get any pussy. You knew I wasn’t texting a chick?”

Hector grabs another slice of pizza from the center of the table. “I don’t know many chicks named Felix, Jake.”

“Me either,” Miguel says.

“So why were you calling him a lady in the truck?”

Miguel almost looks hurt. “Jake. We don’t out people. That’s fucked.”

“Yeah, Jake. That’s fucked.”

“We wouldn’t do that to you. Which is why we’re asking our questions now. With just us here.”

I look between Miguel and Hector. My new friends.

Never would I have imagined I’d be here, with them, talking about this, ever.

My new life is so fucking strange.

“I’m not answering the power bottom question,” I say.

“Damn,” Hector mumbles.

“It’s too soon for that,” Miguel says, biting into a mozzarella stick. “This is our first time hanging out. We’ll get there. I’m okay with waiting.”

“We will never have that conversation,” I tell him.

Hector raises his hand.

“Yes, Hector. Why are you raising your hand?”

“Because I have a question.”

“So do I. Why am I here?”

Hector laughs. “Good one, Jake.”

“What’s your question, Hector?” Miguel asks.

“I was wondering if Felix is your boyfriend. And when can we meet him.”

“I’m wondering that as well,” Miguel says.

They both just stare at me.

I sigh as I sit back. “No. He isn’t my boyfriend. We’re friends.”

“Oh. It’s like that.” Miguel sucks marinara sauce off his finger. “Not into commitment, Jakey?”

“Why not?” Hector asks.

“What? No. That’s not it at all. I’m not against commitment. I actually really like being in a relationship. But Felix is also my sponsor. And that’s what I need him to be. I can’t be into him.”

“But you are.” Hector nods his head, knowing my answer before I even say it. “And he’s into you. He likes how you smell.”

“He does. We both read it on your phone.”

I grit my teeth. “Stop reading shit on my phone.”

“Don’t change the subject, Jake. We’re talking about why you can’t be into Felix. Not about why we have to read your text messages when you’re sitting right next to us.” Miguel wipes off his hands. “You’re okay with commitment. And Felix likes how you smell.”

“It doesn’t matter. Okay? None of that matters.” I bunch up the saturated napkins I’ve had in my lap and toss them on the table. My jeans are still damp. Fantastic. “Nothing is going to happen with Felix. No matter how hard he text-flirts.”

Hector whistles low. “Baby boy can text-flirt.”

“He really can,” I agree, much to my surprise.

“We need to meet him.” Miguel makes a motion with his hand. “Invite him out. Get him here, Jake. If he’s your friend, he can be our friend too.”

Hector lights up. “Yes. This threesome just became a foursome.”

“A power bottom foursome,” Miguel says exuberantly.

“Stop. Talking,” I grunt, but I break into laughter at how ridiculous all of this is. And I can’t deny it. “God. I really like both of you. It sucks.”

“Aw, Jakey. We like you too.”

“You’re our favorite at work,” Hector says.

And damn if it doesn’t feel strangely good to hear that.

“Fine. I’ll invite him.”

I pick my phone off the table and message Felix.

wanna come hang out with me and some guys I work with?

“What did you say?” Miguel asks.

“I just asked if he wanted to come out and hang with us. Oh. He’s responding.”

“I’m a little nervous. Why am I nervous?” Hector grabs his fourth slice, folding it in half and stuffing it into his mouth.

yes :)

where r u

“What did he say?”

I show Miguel the screen, and he gasps, all dramatic.

“That smiley face,” he whispers.

“He always does cute shit like that. Okay. Let me tell him where we are.”

Shuckey’s Sports Bar


see u soon


I look up and smile. “He’s coming.”

Miguel and Hector high-five each other, and I’m back to being happy about coming out with them tonight.

At least, for another ten minutes.

Because happiness never lasts with me, does it?

“Well, look who we have here.”

Jason steps up between Miguel and Hector’s chairs, and I’d be pissed to see him here even if he wasn’t chugging a pint right in front of me.

Like a prick.

“What are you homos doing all together? And Jesus. How much food did you order, you fat fucks?”