“Ja-oh. Fucking su-ah. Ga. Yeah. Yeah.”
His cum coats my throat, and I pull off a little to swallow twice and jerk him off into my mouth until he’s finished. Then I lick the tip of his dick.
“You’re,” he pants, struggling to keep his head lifted so he can look at me. “Good. At. Wow.”
Felix collapses heavily onto the mattress and mumbles something about his dick tingling.
I smile and kiss his Self Love Club tattoo, then I push back onto my knees and climb over him, getting to my feet beside the bed.
“No,” he whines, hand reaching blinding for me since he can’t even keep his eyes open anymore. “Let me. Blow you. Fuck my face.”
He rolls onto his side and gestures at his mouth, and I swear he snores a little.
“You’re half asleep already. I’m not face-fucking a corpse.”
“No. You need to go to sleep.” I lean down and kiss his cheek, pushing the curls off his face. “I’m okay. If I wasn’t, I would tell you.”
I know that’s why he stayed up all night.
When the alarm on my phone went off at four o’clock for work, I expected Felix to sleep through it, but he sat up like he’d been awake for hours and stopped the alarm from sounding before I even lifted my head.
And one look at his face told me why he was able to do that.
He looked exhausted and anxious and like he felt a little sick, and when I asked him if he was okay, he ignored my question and asked the same of me.
He searched me for tells. He got in my face and wouldn’t get out of it.
And he wouldn’t say why he looked so tired or admit to staying up all night because he was worried about me. Felix wouldn’t confirm what I already knew.
I bet if (when) he has to do this again, he’ll keep that from me too.
I know I’d do the same. I wouldn’t admit to anything. I wouldn’t want Felix to feel bad.
Because I do feel bad.
I didn’t blow him for that reason. That’s fucked up.
His morning wood was right there, and I wanted to suck him off until he came. I hadn’t gotten the chance to yet.
But he’ll probably sleep great now, so. Whatever. It wasn’t calculated.
“Jake,” Felix mumbles, his face turning into the pillow when he rolls to his stomach.
I stare at his round, pale ass for a full three seconds before pulling the sheet out from underneath him and covering him up, and I assure him again, saying, “I promise I’m okay,” because I know he’ll fight sleep and me leaving him until he’s convinced.
His one eye barely peeks open at me, and then he lifts his bent arm off the pillow, showing me his new ink, and his sweet voice is so tired when he asks, “We’ll be okay, right?”
And I really wish he was telling me that instead of needing me to say it.
Because I’m lying. I’ve been lying all morning.
“We’ll be okay.”
Felix lets his arm fall to the pillow and turns his head away.
He grabs the stuffed fox I slept with last night and smashes it against his side, and I swear I’ve never seen anyone fall asleep so fast before. He’s snoring within seconds.
I almost get back in the stupid racecar bed with him that isn’t stupid at all. I like how small it is and how close we have to be in every position.
I think it helped last night.
I also give serious consideration to calling out (again), but it’ll be again. I can’t do it two days in a row.
I grab some clothes out of my bag and head to the bathroom to shower, and I have to rush because of that blow job and the minutes before when Felix tried interrogating me, but I honestly wouldn’t give a fuck if I show up late today.
With the way I feel, they should be grateful I’m going in at all.
Still, I hurry getting dressed, and I don’t linger like I want to when I pop back into the bedroom to make sure Felix is still asleep, and after grabbing my keys and phone, I’m out the door and driving to the shop.
I pull in ten minutes late, but the trucks are still here so I think I’m good. I don’t worry.
I park, then I walk over to where Hector and Miguel are standing underneath one of the floodlights.
The sun isn’t even up, yet we’re told to be here this fucking early.
What asshole made that rule.
“Good morning, Jakey,” Miguel says, grinning behind the steam wafting from his travel mug. “And where were you yesterday? Playing house with your boytoy?”
Hector smiles. “Oh. I bet he was.”
Fucking fuck me.
The last thing I want to do is talk about where I’ve been and everything that’s happened since Tuesday, and great. Now I’m thinking about it again.