“Why wouldn’t he wake you up and ask for a ride somewhere?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he tried.”

Do I sleep that hard? I don’t think I do.

“Aren’t you worried he went to score?”

“No.” I shake my head. “No fucking way. He wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t just leave without saying something to me if that’s how he was feeling.”

“Because you know him so well.”

My gaze sharpens. “What the fuck are you getting at?”

“Exactly what I just said. I don’t care how much you like this guy, Jake. You barely know him, and he did just relapse.”

“I’m sure he had a good reason for borrowing my car. Quit jumping to the worst possible conclusion.”

“Borrowing implies consent. He stole it.”

“And stealing implies I wouldn’t lend it to him no matter what the reason was, so back the fuck off.”

“Really?” CJ’s brows lift as he wipes the back of his hand across his mouth. “So, if Felix wanted to go get high, you’d toss him your keys. No questions.”

“What the hell? Are you serious with this bullshit?”

“Yeah, I’m serious. It’s like you just woke up and forgot you’re dating an addict. Step back for a minute, bro. Why aren’t you assuming he went to go score? That should be your first thought.”

It is, I don’t say. I won’t say it.

I defend Felix instead.

“Felix wouldn’t do that. Don’t make me say it again. And really? I’d toss him my keys, no questions? Get fucked.”


When CJ starts moving closer, I do the same until we’re bumping chests.

“You’re acting like an asshole,” I snarl into his face. “Quit trying to convince me to press charges.”

“That isn’t what I’m doing.”

“That’s exactly what you’re doing, cop. And I won’t. I trust Felix.”

“You barely know him. Maybe you shouldn’t.”

“And maybe you should stay out of this, since I don’t remember asking what you thought about it.”

CJ breathes heavily out of his nose, his jaw clenched.

I know he has more to say to me, because when the hell has my brother ever stayed out of my business, but before he can get on me anymore about this, the front door opens and we’re both looking toward it.

Felix walks in with a large gift bag in one hand and a box of donuts in the other.

He looks between CJ and me, back and forth like he’s following a conversation, with the softest look of innocence on his face.

“Hello,” he says, smiling a little. “Donut?” He holds out the box.

My shoulders relax.

Fuck, he’s cute. I can’t even be mad at him for worrying me.

“Where the hell were you?” I gently ask.

Felix blindly closes the door with his foot. “Fucking insomnia.” He rolls his eyes, walking over. “I couldn’t sleep. I thought driving around would help.”

“So, you just take my brother’s car without asking him?”

“Would you shut up?” I growl.

Felix abruptly stops a few feet away, looking from CJ to me, and he’s worried. He’s so fucking worried now.

“No. No, Jake. Don’t be mad.”

“I’m not,” I say.

“He should be.”

“Dude.” I scowl at my brother. “Stay out of it. I’m not telling you again.”

“This is—I just wanted to surprise my boyfriend,” Felix says to CJ, holding up the bag.

My stomach does this strange little flip, and I suddenly feel lighter.

Yeah. I really like hearing Felix call me his boyfriend.

And I’ll ask why there’s Happy Retirement printed on the front of that bag later.

“I didn’t think he’d mind if I borrowed it, but you mind. I see that. You clearly mind.” Felix looks uneasy as he holds out the box of donuts again. “Donut?”

“No,” CJ grunts, sounding like a massive prick.

I side-eye him.

He’s so close to getting the beating of his life, it’s not even funny.

Felix lowers the box and shyly looks over at me. “I’m sorry. I should’ve asked you if I could borrow your car.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Are you high?” CJ questions.

“What the fuck, man.” I glare at him. “That’s enough. What did I say about staying out of this?”

“I’ll stay out of it when he isn’t sleeping at my house. And why the hell aren’t you asking if he is?”

“Because I know he isn’t.”


“No, you don’t. You just hope he isn’t.”


“I’m not,” Felix shares, and I have to hide the overwhelming relief I feel hearing that. “I swear I’m not.”

“Any more questions?” I ask CJ.

And I’m so smug about it but fuck him.

He arches a brow. “Watch yourself, little brother.”

I sneer at him as I bridge the gap between Felix and myself, and I know exactly how to get under my brother’s skin. It’s probably what I do best.

“Remember that time I walked in on you and Riley, and her tits were out?”

My smile has never been so cruel.

CJ swells with rage, pulsing and bright, and I think he could kill me right now if we didn’t have a witness.

“Um. Should I leave the room?” Felix asks. His voice wavers.