When CJ said their group was growing, I took that to mean someone else here had a kid, or maybe more than one kid. I was honestly not expecting everyone to have kids, but it seems like they do.
And after doing a quick head count, I quickly realize I’m the odd man out.
Everyone seems to be coupled up.
“You want something to drink?” Ben asks. “I can grab you a soda when I get his juice.”
Even though I don’t mean to, I immediately wonder if CJ asked everyone to refrain from drinking in front of me tonight.
I’m sure they all know I’m an addict. CJ is close with them, so why wouldn’t he talk about me? And I get why my brother would ask this favor because I’d do the same for him, but I fucking hate it.
It makes me feel like people can’t enjoy themselves when I’m around. Or like I really shouldn’t be here.
“Yeah. Sure,” I say. “I’ll drink whatever.”
Ben walks away, carrying his son on his shoulders, and I only stand there awkwardly for a few seconds before I hear my name.
“Jake!” CJ calls me over.
I walk through the family room, stepping over toys and small children, and return the smile Mia gives me when we lock eyes.
“Hey, Jake,” she says. “I’m Mia. Glad you could make it.”
The red-haired woman waves and introduces herself as Tessa.
I think they’re both happy to see me, but there’s something else there too, like they’re both worried I’ll raid the medicine cabinet.
I ignore what I think I’m seeing and wave back before moving around the couch. I stand next to Riley.
CJ gestures with his free hand. “This is Beth, Reed’s wife. Luke and his daughter, Sara. She’s the baby of the group.”
“For now,” Beth says, winking at Riley before putting her attention on me. “Hi, Jake.”
Luke shifts his daughter so her body lays across his forearm, freeing up his other hand so we can shake. “How’s it going?” he asks, eyes assessing, like he’s looking for any tells.
Oh yeah. He’s a cop.
And even though we’re matched in size and I could probably take him, I don’t respond like the dick I can be sometimes and tell him I’d be better if he wasn’t watching me like I’m a criminal.
“Good,” I say instead.
“How’s Jason?” Reed asks, the smuggest fucking grin on his face.
It’s so unexpected to see, I bark out a laugh.
“I’m not fired, am I?”
“Nah. He is, though. I heard what he said last night. I’m canning his ass first thing on Monday.”
Finally. Some good news.
Beth smacks his chest. “Little ears. No cussing.”
Reed slowly looks from her to Luke and the baby in his arms. “She’s six months old. I doubt her first word will be ass.”
“Your daughter is like, five feet away. Maybe her next word will be ass.”
“I’m surprised it already isn’t,” Riley says. “I hear Reed asks for it enough.”
“What,” Reed says.
“What does Reed do?” Ben joins us without his kid, handing me a bottle of root beer while he sucks down a… juice box?
“Are you drinking a juice box?” CJ asks.
Ben shrugs, squeezing the box until he hits air.
“Oo. They got the good ones,” Luke says before stepping away.
“Is he—yep. He’s going to the kitchen to get a juice box.” Reed sighs, turning back to the group. “I bought soda for the adults. Way to act your age, Benjamin.”
Ben cuts him a look. “You bought root beer and ginger ale.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“I didn’t see any ice cream in your freezer, and I don’t have an upset stomach.”
“People drink root beer without ice cream. I do it all the time. And ginger ale isn’t just for stomach issues.”
“No, but that’s usually why people buy it.”
“Well, it was on sale.”
“I really hate admitting this, but I’m pretty sure you make more than me. Spring for the full price next time.”
“Okay. Also, I bought the ginger ale for Riley in case she was nauseas. I’m a nice brother like that.”
“Aw, thanks Reed.” Riley smiles at him.
“You’re welcome.”
“You have like, thirty juice boxes in there. I took one.”
Luke walks up and hands Ben another juice box.
“Thanks, man.”
“Really?” Reed asks.
“What. You got the good ones, Reed,” Luke says, sucking back his juice. “And who’s drinking the ginger ale? Is your grandmother coming over for game night?”
“There’s also root beer.”
“You’re out of ice cream.”
I twist off the cap and take a drink, watching Reed acknowledge what I’m doing with exuberance.
“See? Jake enjoys the root beer. Right, Jake?”
Riley snickers. “He hates root beer.”
Reed looks at me, mouth going slack. “No.”
I don’t deny it. But I do say, “I’ll drink it with ice cream.”
CJ cracks up.
“You want a juice box?” Ben asks.
“They got the good ones,” Luke says.
Reed throws his hands into the air.
“Are we ready to play something?” Mia asks, standing from the couch while burping her son.